Heather is tsudere as fuck

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One day, Peggy walked in to class. Heather Chandler sat right next to her. She was pushing back her cuticles with a mechanical pencil. Peggy loved it. She blushed as she took her seat. Much to Peggy's surprise Heather blushed too and glanced at her, nervously. Peggy looked back at her, shocked.

"What." Heather said.

"Oh nothing. Sorry." Peggy replied.

"G-good because I don't want to talk to a nErd like you, Baka." Heather said, still blushing.

Peggy tried to look away but couldn't stop looking at her thiCC legs. It suddenly occurred to her that Chandler was also starring,,,,, at Peggy's bREAstS.

"Heyyyyy I guess merp" Peggy said.

Heather's face went completely red.

"WHAT!!!?!!" She screamed.

"Youuuu were kiiinda starring???" Peggy said.

"N-NO!" She said, going into full tsundere mode.

"Yea you were kinda starring at my bOObs?" Peggy whispered.

"That's pretty gay, man." Said Heather Duke, who suddenly puked.

"gAH! Heather you're disgusting and NO WAY I'M GAY, BAKA!" Chandler screeched. She suddenly whipped around to stare Peggy straight in the eye (not the boob). "AND YOU! I'd normally slap your face off and everyone here could watch. But i'm feeling nice. Here's some advice listen up BAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Peggy stared as Heather Duke and Heather McNamara got up and stood on either side of her.

"I LIKE!" They both sang.

"GAH GO AWAY YOU BAKAS IM TRYING TO TALK HERE!" Heather barked. She turned back to Peggy and yelled: "IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING, BAKA!!!!!!"

Peggy couldn't tell if Heather was so red in the face from anger or embarrassment. Probably both. However, this tsundere side of Heather turned her on a bit. She started to stutter an apology but got a nose bleed. She was excused from class to go take care of it in the bathroom.

Peggy x Heather ChandlerWhere stories live. Discover now