Why did they want to know so badly??

You were about to just close the page, but Isaac's sudden message made you pause.

'Guys STOP! If (Y/n) doesn't want to talk about it she doesn't have to! Sheesh! When did this become an interrogation?? She was just saying she may or may not be able to come along, that's *all*! So just drop it!'

You smiled.

Isaac was always there when you needed him to back you up, he was like the older brother you never had.

'Okay okay! I was just a little curious! Yeesh!' Josh defended.

'Oops... sorry (Y/n)! :c' Marie apologized.

'It's okay.' You responded.

'I gotta go, talk to you guys later.' Josh said after a moment.

'Me too, bye guys! xD' Marie added.

In the blink of an eye both of their names lost the green dot, meaning they went offline.

You were about to get out as well, but again Isaac made you pause.

'You okay (Y/n)?'

You smiled and wrote back: 'Yes, thanks for helping me. :)'

'Anytime. :) I'd better get going too, see you later okay?'


After that, Isaac too, went offline.

You closed up Facebook and looked at some YouTube videos in hopes of relaxing.

"Not the best way to start the day..." You sighed shakily.

After about 20 minutes, you could hear Ghirahim shuffling around in his bed, yawning a bit. His body jerked in shock after a moment, probably because the game box was no longer beside him.

"I thought I told you to forget about that box for the night and sleep." You said in disappointment, closing the laptop and setting it beside you.

Ghirahim froze at the sound of your voice.

He turned and had a surprisingly guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry... I tried, I truly did, but..." He trailed off.

You motioned for him to come to you, and he hesitantly got out from your bed. He snapped his fingers and his once disheveled hair was back to it's usual, elegant look, and his clothes were no longer wrinkled.

He sat down in front of you cross-legged, not looking at you.

"How long did you stay awake?" You asked.

Ghirahim was quiet for a moment.

"I'm not sure, but I do believe the sun was just beginning to rise before I fell asleep."

"Why did you stay up so long?"

"I couldn't take my mind off of that box with Skychild's picture no matter how hard I tried. I was completely restless..."

"Why?" You tilted your head.


Ghirahim paused and gave a tired sigh while hanging his head low.

"My mind has been racing with so many unanswered questions, I can't find anything else to think about anymore..."

You felt unbearably guilty.

"I'm sorry... maybe I shouldn't have told you--" Your apology was cut off.

"No, I'm very grateful you told me the truth, there's nothing to be sorry for."

~A Dream Come true~~Ghirahim x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now