Chapter 13: The Beanstalk Journey!

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    Humphrey got out of the carriage and over to her side. He opened the door for her, and she was looking around for something. "I can't find the necklace!" Jillian exclaimed frantically. Then Humphrey held up and she sighed in relief. "You were asleep so I took it so it wouldn't get misplaced." Humphrey stated and he handed it to her a she accepted it. "Thanks." Jillian stated and Humphrey nodded. "Anytime." Humphrey stated and he held out his hand to her. She accepted it and he helped her out, and closed the door behind her. "Are you sure she's here?" Jillian asked nervously. "Of course. I'm good with the Internet and I know how to find people." Humphrey replied and Jillian nodded. "Okay, I guess we're going in." Jillian stated. "You sure you can do this?" Humphrey asked. "Yeah, I'm just nervous." Jillian replied. "You can do this, I'll be here every step of the way." Humphrey stated with a reassuring smile and Jillian looked up at him and she gave him a shy smile. "I know, I feel safe when I'm with you." Jillian stated as she grabbed his hand, making his heart beat twice as fast. "As I am with you." Humphrey stated. They both faced forward and toward the pub. Jillian took a deep breathe and started walking in with Humphrey.

Real World!
    Jessica was walking to her car from her work parking lot when her brief case fell. She didn't lock it tight enough, so papers flew everywhere. "Crap!" Jessica exclaimed in frustration. She moved her hair out of her face and put it in a messy bun. She bent drown and started putting them all back. Henry was driving when he saw her. He parked his car and got out. He ran over to her and started helping her, and Jessica smiled. "That's sweet, Henry, but I've got it." Jessica stated and he shook his head as he smiled. "It's no problem, Jess." Henry stated. All the papers were in the case and she locked it tight thus time. They both stood up as Jessica held the brief case. "Thank you, Harry." Jessica stated. "Of course." Henry stated with a smile. "I'll have to reorganize this again, but Tom will probably help me." Jessica stated with shrug. "Right, you and Tom. Um, how's that going?" Henry asked nervously. Jessica smiled as she took out the hair tie and let her hair flow down her shoulders and back. "It's going great, actually. Still very new, but right now, it's nice." Jessica stated and Henry nodded, sadly. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you later." Henry stated and he got in his car, as so did Jessica, and they both drove away.

     They walked into the pub and looked around. Jillian let go of Humphrey's hand and stepped forward, looking around. "Do you see her?" Humphrey asked and Jillian shook her head. "No." Jillian replied with tears in her eyes. "I'm sure you will, spoonbills enough." Humphrey reassured and Jillian nodded as she took a deep breathe. She turned her head to face him and gave him a weak smile. She looked forward again and scanned the room once more, but then she stopped on one women who looks really familiar. "That's her." Jillian stated as she turned around to face Humphrey. "Are you sure?" Humphrey asked and Jillian nodded. "Yeah, positive." Jillian replied. "Are you ready to talk to her?" Humphrey asked as he stepped closer to her. She turned around to face her mother again and shook her head. "No, but I'm going to anyways." Jillian replied. She started walking towards her as Humphrey followed.
   There were a bunch of guys surrounding her. "Excuse me. Mo.... Ma'am. May I have a word?" Jillian asked shyly. The women looked at her in awe, she recognized her, but didn't know why. One guy stood up and in front of the group. "She won't be seeing anyone." The guy replied with crossed arms. The guy was huge and muscular. "That's fine, Joel. I've got it." The women stated as she stood up, and the guy moved out of the way. "Jane, are you sure you want something to do with these.... Rugrats?" Joel asked. "It's just a talk, I've got it under control." Jane replied and she walked with them out of the bar. "Hi, um, ma'am. My name is, um, Humphrey, and this is, um, Jillian." Humphrey greeted and Jane looked at her in shock. "Jillian?" Jane asked and Jillian nodded. "Yeah." Jillian replied. "I once knew a Jillian, my...." Jane started with tears making her eyes look glass like. "Daughter." Jillian finished and Jane gasped as she looked at her. "Jillian? Is that really you?" Jane asked and Jillian nodded. "Yeah, mom. It really is." Jillian replied in just as much shock. Humphrey adjusted his glasses and looked at Jillian with a smile as Jane and Jillian hugged, feeling happy that his best friend, and long term crush, was so happy right now.

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