Chapter 12: Computer Genius!

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Real World!
     Henry Dundee, otherwise known as Humphrey Dumpty, was at his job. He works with computers in an office. There was a knock as Henry was typing fast. "Come in!" Henry called and Rachel walked in with Lily behind her. "Rachel. What can I do you for?" Harry asked as he kept typing. "You can look at me." Rachel replied. Henry stopped typing and looked up. "Sorry, deadline and stuff." Henry stated and Rachel nodded. "I understand. This is Lily, by the way, the new sheriff, and I'm the new deputy." Rachel stated and Henry nodded. "I heard, it's fitting. Nice to officially meet you, Lilith." Henry greeted. "It's Lillian, actually." Lily corrected and Henry smiled. "Prettier, and more fitting." Henry stated. "Alright then." Lily stated. "We need your help, it's important." Rachel stated and Henry nodded. "Of course, anything." Henry agreed. Rachel and Lily smiled. "Good." Lily stated.

     Humphrey Dumpty was on a wall. He was scared and nervous, because of his story and all. He tripped and almost fell backwards until a girl with a long green braid down her back swung from a vein and grabbed him, flying over the wall and landing on the ground perfectly. She let him go and that's when he realized who she was. Jillian Beanstalk, daughter of Jack Beanstalk. They have been best friends since she tried to help him Ber brave back in high school, but they realized that she's the brave one and he's the smart one. "Jill, I've never been so happy to see you." Humphrey stated with a smile. "That's a little hurtful." Jillian stated with a smirk. "You know what I mean." Humphrey stated and Jillian nodded as she laughed. "Yeah, I do." Jillian agreed. "What are you doing here anyway?" Humphrey asked as they started walking off. "I was on a mission." Jillian replied. "What kind of mission?" Humphrey asked with curiosity. "A mission to see my best friend." Jillian replied with a smile as she lightly and playfully bumped Humphrey. Humphrey playfully rolled his eyes. "So cheesy." Humphrey stated. "Takes one to know one." Jillian stated with a smirk and she started running. "You'll pay for that one!" Humphrey exclaimed with a smile and started chasing her. Then Jillian bumped into something and fell on her back. She looked up and saw it was Tiny the giant. Humphrey ran over to her and helped her up. "Hey, Tiny." Jillian greeted. "Hi." Humphrey greeted as him and Jillian stepped backwards a couple of spaces. "We need your help." Tiny stated. "Who's we?" Jillian asked. "Me and the other giants." Tiny replied. Jillian and Humphrey looked at one another and then back at Tiny.

Real World!
      Henry was still sitting in his seat at his desk. Rachel sat in a seat on the other side of his desk. Lily was pacing around the office. "Are you sure you'll be able to find where Ms. Gold lives?" Lily asked. "Positive. I just need to track her car." Henry replied. Lily stopped pacing and looked at him. "Her car? You're doing this by tracking her car?" Lily asked. "Yes." Henry replied as he kept typing. "But her car is still at her shop, this won't work." Lily stated. "Don't underestimate him, he knows what he's doing." Rachel reassured. "Ms. Gold has another car, one she doesn't use often, because it's too valuable to her. She always keeps it in her garage by her home." Henry replied. Lily nodded and sighed as she started pacing again.
      "Got it!" Henry exclaimed as he pressed a button to print it and stood up. Rachel was gone getting the search warrant from Jessica, the lawyer in town, who is also known as Jillian Beanstalk, and Tommy, the judge of the town, who is also known as Tiny the giant. "Perfect!" Lily exclaimed with a smile. The paper was done printing and Henry picked it up. He handed it to the new sheriff as she examined it. "Thanks." Lily stated. "No problem." Henry stated as he sat back down and Rachel walked in with a folded up piece of paper in her hand. She held it up, showing Lily. "Got the search warrant." Rachel stated with a smile and Lily held up the paper she had. "And I have the address." Lily stated with a smile. Then they both walked out of Henry's office and to Ms. Gold's house.

     "What's going on?" Jillian asked. "Someone robbed us at our home in the sky." Tiny replied. "Who and why?" Humphrey asked. "We don't know." Tiny replied. "Why do you want our help?" Jillian asked. "You're help, Jillian. You're good with beanstalks' and you know giants. We need your help. Giants hate to be robbed." Tiny replied and Jillian nodded. "I know, but how can I help if I don't have any leads to go on?" Jillian asked. "You're also good with clues, you can come to the giant house to see if there's any leads." Tiny replied and Jillian nodded. "Okay, but I'm working with Humphrey." Jillian stated and Tiny nodded. "Of course, anything if you're willing to help." Tiny agreed and Jillian grabbed Humphrey's hand, making Humphrey smile at his long term crush. "Let's go, Humph." Jillian stated and Humphrey nodded. "Okay, Jill." Humphrey agreed. "I made a beanstalk right before we came here, we could climb that one." Jillian stated and Tiny nodded. "Sounds good to me." Tiny stated and then they left to the beanstalk.

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