Start from the beginning

"Wait!" Wally stopped me from leaving the room and flicked his fingers at me, water hitting my face and shirt. I jerked back in surprise, glaring at him when I processed what he did.

"What was that for?" I hissed, wiping my face off with the edge of my shirt.

"We have to make it look like we were training," he defended. I shrugged, taking the cap off my water bottle. I flicked it and tossed some water back at Wally. He shrugged in acceptance.

Leaving the training room we speed-walked to the suit room and changed. I noticed that the holster on my belt now had billy sticks in it. I was trusted with a weapon or given a weapon to protect myself without my powers at least.

I threw my clothes into the case and ran away before the curtain could close. Wally came up behind me, cradling my head as he ran us to the debriefing room. There, the rest of the team was waiting for us. A small taste of what it felt like to be Wally.

"We have reason to believe Klarion is planning something in an abandoned warehouse. The security was recently shut down, images sent in before showed Klarion. I have sent the coordinates to you. This mission is covert. Go in and take Klarion out."

"Batman, why would Klarion be planning something in a warehouse? That isn't his style," Artemis spoke up, "He's more direct in his plans."

"That's what we're trying to find out. While you're fighting, you either capture him or get as much information as possible from him. Dismissed."

The team nodded and headed to the bio-ship. Walking just behind them, I was held back by Batman. His eye lenses narrowed, scrutinizing before I could do anything wrong.

"This is your first mission. I know you've told us where your loyalties lie, and you've done well with Black Canary, but-"

"I've never met Klarion," I interrupted, finishing his thought, "There wouldn't be any hesitation from me for someone I've never met."

Batman nodded, and I ran off to catch up with the team. When I ran up the ship's ramp it closed. It took off when I was sitting in my chair, buckling my seatbelt.

"Why did Batman hold you back?" Kaldur looked back at me, concerned.

"He wanted to make sure I wouldn't hesitate or switch sides again if something happened. But Klarion is one of the few villains I've never met before, so there's no reason to worry."


After sitting through a ride where the main topic of conversation was my upcoming birthday, we landed in a well-kept field, the warehouse just head. We exited the bio-ship, those with bright uniforms entered stealth mode.

"Remember this is covert, let's not make this another mission like Cadmus or Bane. We go in through one of the windows of the upper levels and split into two groups. We find Klarion and get out." Aqualad laid out the plan via telepathy. We all nodded obediently, running through the short grass to the warehouse.

A partially open window was positioned on the third floor. Nodding at each other we made our way up. I helped Wally with some shadows, M'gann carried Artemis up, Superboy jumped, Robin grappled, and Aqualad used water.

The warehouse hallway we landed in was dark, the only light being cast by the moon from the windows every few feet. Everything was silent as far as we could hear, and Superboy didn't seem set off by anything.

"Superboy, M'gann, and I will survey the upper levels. The rest of you look through the lower."

We split into our groups, taking the stairs to the second floor. We looked through the few offices that were there, the majority of the floor dominated by medical equipment. I was searching around the rows of equipment when a rattling caught my attention.

Shadows ⚡️ Kid Flash X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now