0. Arival at Tomoeda

Start from the beginning

I offer help because that's the natural thing to do

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I offer help because that's the natural thing to do...and because houses work is secretly my hobby. So after a while, Sakura opens the book to reveal that there were no pages but instead, pink cards. I'm pretty sure that the others are sense the unusual powerful magic from those cards too, it reminds me of noble phantasms. Weird...
Rin's POV
"What are these?" I asked, looking at the mysterious cards that were completely covered with very, very strong magic
"I-it's welll...umm...it's...a gift, yeah! This is a gift from a friend of mine." She said
Well thats not supicious at all, there is definitely something more than that
"So what do you use them for?" Saber asked
"I use it for fortune telling, you guys said you wanted to know the future, right? And I'm guessing that waiting for me to have a specific dream will not be ideal so I'll use something that is just as effective, that is by using my...custom tarot cards, yeah..."
Hmm...interesting, Sakura is acting weird(again). Just like whenever she had something to hide, wich don't happen very often due to her honest personality. Oh the memories are coming back to me.
Arturia's POV
We have been doing this for a few minutes now and the little girl's predictions are pretty accurate, specially the "life-threatening event" part, that is obviously the holy grail war, yeah, "holy". Then, Sakura started predicting our future individually. It was my turn, to be honest, I'm a bit nervous. Sakura began shuffle the cards, dividing and then placing them, all with her left hand although she's not a lefty. After that, she flips the cards one-by-one in a very specific order. Finally, when all of them was fliped, Sakura carefully looked through the cards. When Sakura was done, she said:
"Arturia-san, in the near future, you will see 3 people that are very close and loyal to you. A person that you hate and, someone that is both identical to you but also the total oposite of you at the same time."
Ok, now I am certain that I will see Mordred again. Maybe this isn't so bad, maybe, this is a chance, Mordred definitely deserves more than an apology.
"Can you tell me about that last person please?" I requested
"Sure, just wait for me a minute, is that ok?" She asked
"It's fine, thank you."
After repeating the same steps, the young girl finally said:
"Hmm...you and that person are currently at bad terms with each other, right? But don't worry, in the future, your relationship with this person will improve tremendously, but it will take time..."
I was very happy to say the least, and then, her next words took me by suprise:
"...and this peron is...no, will be in love with someone. Well, thats it for now, I could only go as far as this with someone​ I don't know, sorry."
"It's ok, thank you." This was...I don't know how to react to this. I've never seen Mordred as a romantic person before so this is completely new to me and properly anyone who knows her as well. Looks like I've found myself looking forward to this much more than I thought.
Hours have passed and now it's finally dinner time. My stomach was screaming when the smell of chiken curry hits my nose. I can't wait! Sakura said that she will make the meal herself as a welcoming gift, and who can't say no to good meal? Definitely not me. But even though I'm very hungry, I must keep my manners, I'm still a guess after all.
"One more please." I said for the 5th time
"I'm glad that you're​ liking it but be sure to leave some space for dersert." The kind girl said
When we were reaching the end of meal, Sakura suddenly droped her spoon and pulled her hand back, her face expressing pain. Oh no, please don't be- it is, the blood red command seals are on the back of the girl's hand. Why, why this innocent young girl? Just..why?!
"Sakura, those marks..." Rin saw them
"H-Hoe?! W-what are these?! Where did they come from?!" Sakura expresses a mix of suprise and confusion, wich is understandable
"Sakura, the red marks there, are a sign that you where chosen by the not-so-holy grail to fight as a master in the holy grail war." Rin said
"A...master? And what is the grail war?" Sakura asked, confusion took over her face
"It's what you've predicted, that 'life-threatening event'. It's basically the battle between 7 mages and-"
"Wait, how did you know that I'm a mage?" Sakura cuts Shirou off
"What?! You're a mage?!" We were all suprised
Rin's POV
What?! Since when did Sakura became a freaking mage?! Well that actually explained the cards and her behavior. Now that I think about it, the magic from the cards feels rather familiar to me, I think that I have encountered it in England-wait a minute, could she be...
"Sakura, can you show us your power?" I asked, I have to know if this is truly the case
"Umm, ok." Sakura stands up and takes out a weird looking key,then, she uses a spell, I think:
"O key that hides the power of the stars, reveal your true nature to me, I, Sakura command you under our contract, RELEASE!"

A magical circle appears under Sakura, it's the exact one on the rear of the book and cards. The key then levitate and started spinning around as it grew larger by the second. Yup. She's definitely the mage that Eriol was talking about. What are the odds of this happening to us. As the young mage grabs her "key" that is now about a meter long. This is great! Not only do we have someone that knows this place like the back of her hand, but she happens to be the most powerful mage there is! The rest of the night we spent time explaining to her how this war works and she introduced us to the "Beast of the seal", Cerberus wich took the form of, out of all things, a teddy bear.
I hope that you enjoy this. I'm really bad at explaining things so I might miss some important information so if you don't have time to check out the series then I recommend watching a review or reading a bit through the time line to better understand this, here's the link:
http://cardcaptorsakura.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_events . You don't have to read through the whole thing though, just to "during the second movie" part, the rest won't be touched on because it's complicated. Also, English is not my first language so if you find a mistake mostly in spelling or grammar, please tell me so i could fix it. Thank you.


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