Chapter 14: What Have I Done?

Start from the beginning

"Correct." She said then continued and startled a guy who was falling asleep in the back of the room and asked what the answer to the next question was.

@cimorelli6ever: I hate school

@cimorelli6ever: Thanks for all of the support for Indescribable, I really love and appreciate it :)

@cimorelli6ever: I'm sad and feel like crap

@cimorelli6ever: I really love you guys and I'm so thankful for all of your love towards Indescribable I'm crying

@cimorelli6ever: It's hard knowing that the love of your life will never love you back and is homophobic

Of course, I don't know if she is homophobic but considering she's had a ton of boyfriends and is a Catholic, she probably is. But you never know, maybe she could be like me- ha what am I saying? She'll never love me. Ugh, I'm so bipolar, I guess bisexual people are bipolar (A/N: I know this is not true, I just thought it'd be a funny line).

@cimorelli6ever: @laurencimorelli I love you, please follow me <3

She immediately followed me back and faved the tweet and that's when I got a little excited. I know she doesn't know it's me but at least she acknowledged me.


I then went to my DMs and DMed her for the first time from this account. She should be paying attention in class, AP Euro is super hard and our teacher is a no non-sense guy.

@cimorelli6ever: I really love you Lauren, you don't understand. Thank you for being there, you saved my life <3

Unlike other fans, Lauren actually really did save my life and not just by being herself and singing but she actually saved me at that party and took care of me after. Somehow, I got a reply within a few seconds, that's not normal. Usually I see everyone just begging a million times for a DM or a follow or a selfie or even just a fav or reply.

@laurencimorelli: Awe that's so nice. It really means a lot to me :) love you too

She finally said she loved me. She's never said that to me ever before, she says it to our other friends just as friendly gesture by not to me. I should've noticed that before, I guess she never really liked me. No wonder why she's avoiding me. I then went to the wattpad app and began to check how many followers, reads, and votes I had gained. To my surprise, I had 1,000 reads and about 40 votes. I changed my status on wattpad.


And with that, I had had enough of my phone during this class and put it away then finally paid attention to the lesson. School is more important than Skiren, I told myself, Lauren will never love me. Oh well, I guess I should keep my distance from her just like she is doing so to me.

Lauren's POV

Help me-Lauren

What's wrong?-Lisa


Stop thinking of her and do ur work-Lisa

But I can't stop thinking of her-Lauren

Then write a song-Lisa

I don't feel like it-Lauren

Then do ur AP Euro work-Lisa

But im already failing-Lauren

Shut up ur not failing-Lisa

Fine I'm not but I'm failing at getting Skilar to like me-Lauren

Have u talked 2 her-Lisa

No u told me to keep my distance-Lauren

Your distance not ignore her and keep away from her-Lisa


You go pay attention in class now and stop thinking of Skilar-Lisa

With that, I rolled my eyes at Lisa's mom-like text then went onto twitter. I slowly scrolled through my recent mentions and stopped when I had gotten a small little flutter in my stomach after I had read something.

@cimorelli6ever: @laurencimorelli I love you, please follow me <3

I immediately followed the person and faved the tweet. There was just something about this person, I NEVER get a flutter when I see someone or something on twitter. The person had DMed me and when the person said 'I love you' I got butterflies in my stomach. I didn't understand how I got this feeling but I immediately replied as I creepily smiled at my iTouch. The only person who makes me feel like this is Skilar.

A/N: So this was more of a filler chapter because I wanted to update today and I didn't feel like writing anything else lol that's why it's bad. Anyways, I wanted to update today because it's my 16th birthday and the ultimate gift is seeing you all happy after I update haha. Thanks again for all of the reads, votes, comments, and waiting, please keep them up! I love you all!

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