
4.1K 106 12

Hi loves!!
This story was written a very long while ago, so if you're reading it around or after April 16th, 2017, please know that there are probably mistakes in some places. If you notice any, feel free to point them out so I can fix them, or don't, I don't mind. Please remember to vote after every chapter and leave a comment if you want! I love reading them and I try to reply as soon as I see them. (I know I've already said this in another A/N, but this is completed and I'm not adding anything to it.) All my social media information is in my account bio so add me wherever if you want and always know you can talk to me on Wattpad as well, I love talking to you guys. Thank you so so much for 50K reads and 2K votes!! If you want to read any of my other work, Sangue Di Indaco has one chapter published and I'll be working on an updating routine very soon. Again, thank you guys so much. xx

The First Words: Phan AUWhere stories live. Discover now