Chapter 22

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"Please don't move, Keiko. I'm trying to close it..." Shinra carefully placed a bandage around my wound. I tried my best to stay in the same position, though my neck felt tiring because I've been tilting my head for a while. My left hand was holding my long hair so it wouldn't disturb Shinra. After tapped it on my neck, he clapped his hand. "All done!"

I sighed in relief as I put my head position down and let my hair broke free. My finger rubbed the bandage gently. Luckily, the wound wasn't as deep as I expected, but it was longer than I thought and it wasn't that shallow. According to Shinra, the line was almost 4 cm and it might give a scar looking from the depth. 

"That was a dangerous one. If that wound would go deeper, Keiko might lose her blood and die in that place." Shinra closed the first-aid box and put it on the table. "I guess there's another fight earlier that involved Keiko for some reason?"

Shizuo just stayed silent. He'd been closing his mouth ever since we got into the infirmary. His jaw hardened. 

"I think it's not good to involve Keiko. She might get hurt more than this." Shinra stood up. "And for you Keiko, it's for the best to not move your neck too much until the wound dry. Though it's been treated, it's still dangerous considering it's on the neck. A little deeper, it might cut off some veins, which might kill you."

I nodded slightly. After he left the infirmary (he had to check the laboratory first so he had to leave first), Shizuo approached me before he put his finger on my bandage. I winched.

"Sorry." Shizuo moved his hand immediately from my neck. He sat on the bed where I lay at that time. "That bastard... He hurts his own best friend..." He gritted his teeth.

"It's fine, Shizuo. It was just an accident. I'm sure Izaya didn't mean to slash me." I calmed him down.

Shizuo turned to me, staring at me with a frown on his forehead. "Why are you still defending him? He wounded you, and he didn't even apologise at all. He instead ran away! That coward..."

I looked down. Shizuo was right. Why was I still standing up for him? I gripped the blanket sheet, confused about how should I answer. Shizuo knew my struggle. He stood up and then patted my head. 

"I'll talk to the teacher that you can't attend his class." Shizuo headed to the door and slid it open. I put my feet on the floor hurriedly to chase him as my hand reached for my glasses, but he halted me by continue speaking. "You need to take a rest."

"What? But this is only a small wound." Shizuo didn't hear me further. He quickly went out and closed the sliding door. I stopped moving, choosing between continued resting or not. 

At the end, I put back my glasses on the table and chose to lie down on the bed as I tried to hold my neck in steady position. I felt uncomfortable. Even when I placed my head on the pillow, I felt something bugging me on the neck skin. 

I was asleep, deep asleep as I didn't hear someone coming in and approaching me. I was awakened by a touch on my neck. I flickered my eyes, trying to adjust the light and the sensation. My eyes turned to the right where I spotted a figure. I froze when I recognised the person.

"Oh, you're awake, Keiko-chan." Izaya's finger still circling around the bandage. He smiled slyly as his eyes looked at me playfully. I winced as I felt his cold finger. I couldn't sit up with his hands around my neck.

"You're not going to ask why I hurt you?" Izaya asked. 

"It was an accident," I answered. I could only play with my eyes. I stared at him. 

Izaya looked taken back by my answers before he smiled widely. "This looks small, yet you skip your first class today. Aren't you turning lazy these days?"

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