sixteen ▷ i'm just the wise, you're the ass

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Deciding to leave the guys special debate over the genres and variations of rock, she decided to go talk to Stephanie in hopes that she could maybe play with her.

"Hey Stephanie," she smiled walking up. "Who is this little girl?"

"This is Aurora," she smiled looking down at the kid. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Oh, may I?"

"Of course," Stephanie smiled, handing the child over to Delilah.

Instantly, Delilah got a thousand times happier. She held the kid on her hip, smiling down at her chubby cheeks. "Hi Aurora," she smiled as the kid rose her hand to tug lightly on her dark bouncy curls. "Stephanie, you and Paul have quite the cutie right here."

Stephanie laughed, "Thank you. Yeah, she's only about 5 months now."

"Awe," she cooed.

"Her Daddy can't get enough of her."

"Yeah, I bet." she smiled again looking down at Aurora. A weakness of hers has always been men who had soft sides for children.

Jeff watched from afar as Delilah smiled with the Levesque kid, and it made him smile. She looked so happy while interacting with her. He hadn't ever seen that look on her face before, sure happy, but not in that kind of way. Nonetheless, she looked natural as well. He found himself admiring her for that as well.

"Why are you ogling the baby like that," Adams teasing voice came from next to him.

Jeff turned to look at him, giving his best bitchy face, "Really, man?"

"No, he isn't looking at the baby," Matt laughed knowing his brother all too well. "He's looking at Delilah."

Adam rose an eyebrow slightly surprised by Matts suggestion, "You and Delilah, huh?"

"No," Jeff shook his head biting back a smile as he watched Delilah play with the the baby. "I just didn't know she liked kids."

Adam only laughed shaking his head and turning to Matt and sharing a knowing glance.


Delilah watched as the ladder went up and hit both John and Adam, but right away she knew it was off. Whether Jeff and Matt were the ones positioned wrong, or if it was Adam and John, somebody was off, and she saw the way Adam bounced back. Most people had noticed it too, in the ring, or not, and it was awkwardly silent for it second. She noticed he had seemed to yell something too.

And then the cameras zoomed in on his blood face.

Holy shit, she thought standing up. They busted open his face. Within seconds, Adam was out of the ring, clutching his face as the blood ran down his face. They hit him good. It was definitely going to leave a huge ass mark on his face.

Ladder matches were always entertaining to watch, but it was just a reminder on how brutal it really could be. Then again, wrestling in general was pretty brutal.

When they walked back out from the match, Delilah was standing there, arms crossed glaring at them. "You hit Adam!" she scolded as she smacked both of them on the arms. She knew Adam wouldn't be mad, but what if Vince decides that they should get in trouble for doing that?

"I feel so bad," Matt sighed knowing how gruesome it was.

"You guys literally busted open his face. Jeff, why weren't you more careful?" she turned her attention to the younger brother.

Jeff mumbled as he kept walking with a limp, "I didn't know you cared about him so much."

Delilah glared at his back as she followed him. "You know Jeff you are so showering before we hit the road."

"Alright Miss. Daniels."

"Don't be a wise ass," she frowned just imagining the smirk on his face (which indeed was there).

"I'm just wise, you're the ass."

Delilah stopped in the hall, mouth slight agape, looking at her best friend, jokingly offended at his comment. "You're cruel, you know that?"

"But you like it," he smirked as he leaned against the wall watching her.

"I would like it if you showered," she scrunched up her face for dramatic effect and held her nose.

"Fine," he called as he walked down the hall way. "See you in 20."

"How about 30? You need it."

She laughed as his middle finger shot up.

It was lonely when she got back to catering, all of her main friends were in the showers, leaving her here by herself. And when Melina walked in with John, it began to get worse.

Within seconds Melinas glare had found her and Delilah returned the glare. Anxiously, Delilah waited for Jeff to get out so that they could hit the road back to his house. She was tired anyways, and it was about a 2 and a half hour drive.

Thankfully, within minutes Jeff came back, ushering out to his car, where he put his bags with hers. "Ready to go?"


They left the arena, turned on the heater because it was cold, and System of a Down. "Hey, Delilah?" he slightly turned to her.


"What," he stopped to grip the wheel. " what do you think about meeting my dad?"

"Sure," she shrugged looking at him. "I mean, I've already met you and Matt, and that's literally 2/3 of your family."

"There's a twist."

"What do you mean a twist?"

"On Christmas the gates to the graveyard is closed, so we normally go sometime around then."

Delilah fully turned to him, realizing what he was asking, even though he wasn't be direct about it. He wanted her to come with him, Matt, and his father to his mothers grave. To his surprise, her hand found his. "Of course I'll go Jeff."

"Have I ever told you how much of a great friend you are?"

"I know I am," she grinned.

"Yeah, yeah you are."

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