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It is quiet night.

 A girl is walking her way home on the empty streets of Aplau City. Her footsteps sound much louder because of the absence of people’s everyday noises that should’ve covered the little noise her heels made.

Clouds starts to clump together and they hid the moon. They look heavy and threatening.

She starts to walk faster. Raindrops slowly start to trickle into the city. She opens her hand carry bag and readies her small umbrella.

Lightning streaks the sky and rain starts to fall.

She opens her umbrella and walks faster than before. The rain is getting stronger by the minute. She wishes she brought sneakers or some other comfortable footwear. Her feet are sore by now.

The rain fogs the light emanating from the lamp posts along the sidewalk. Puddles form on the pavement and water begin to build up and flow in the ditches.

Water splashes as she steps on the small ponds of water. Her high heels making her walking uneasy.

She sees a man a few blocks away in front of her, carrying a briefcase and using his coat as shelter, struggling under the punishing rain.

He makes a left turn into an alley.

Then she notices something unusual with the scene. Knowing that she won’t look suspicious, she walks faster to see where the man is going, curious if it is a shortcut.

Her apartment is a few blocks away. From where she’s standing, the route the man took could be a shortcut to her home.

She arrives in front of the narrow alley. The place was dark. Not a lot of information could be gathered from what she could see.

She looks at the darkness more carefully to let her eyes adjust. Definitely, she sees the figure of the man. But he is just standing there, somehow much taller and facing the wall, as if talking to some other man. The other man had his hand raised in front of him. She knew something was wrong. People would call it, a woman’s intuition.

The city had been home to a small drug dealing case where a big and influential group backed up the whole operation. This was one of those nights where an exchange would be excellent, no people along the streets, the rain carrying away any shred of evidence that can be traced, it seemed a perfect night for one.

Lightning slashes the sky.

The flash light up the narrow alleys in between establishments.

She clearly sees everything that was in store for her.

This is one of those drug dealing nights, but it happened somewhere else. Not in the same place. Not inside this alley. Not in front of her.

But still, she is shocked.

Another lightning strike.

Then the man awhile ago had his torso cut in half. His upper body separated from his lower half. The heavy rain might have muffled his cries for help. Or maybe, he wasn’t even able to. He might’ve died before he could even open his mouth.

The “other man” had his mutated arm holding the dead man by his head. His fingers were replaced with razor-sharp blades.

She received all these information in that small fraction of a second.

The girl just stood there. She can’t let go of her umbrella. She can’t take a step away. She can’t scream. She doesn’t even want to close her eyes, even for a second. She is afraid that if she does something, the creature’s attention would be attracted to her. She knows from all those movies she watched, this thing in front of her was going to kill her. She saw something she shouldn’t have, it was only normal for the killer to react that way. Cutting loose ends, as they say.

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