Chapter 99 (wedding part 2)

Start from the beginning

I called Mukti to take me to my room. I wanted to take a nap before I get ready. As I approached my room I again saw a bag. Another gift from Manik.

A smile broke onto my face, it was a bright red lehenga. I knew he wanted me to wear something red. I caressed it lightly and hugged it. Well, above all this was the best gift ever. I kep staring at it untill somehow I was dragged to the bed and darkness consumed me.

"Nandu...Nandu wake up." I heard Aliya shouting continuously shaking me.

"Nandu, its already 4 in the evening. You need to get up and get ready. Come on." Shit! I gasped and jumped out of the oh-so-cozy bed as soon as I heard her. Damm! Today is my wedding and here I am sleeping. Why the hell the alarm didn't turn up? I clearly set it up for 2:30.

"Because Manik told me to turn it off." Aliya said. Was I loud enough?

"What? Manik?" I questioned.

"Yes he did. He said you need to take a lot of rest and appropriate beauty sleep so he told me to let you sleep but I guess you're a little more tired than he thought. Now come on, wear this and come out. We need to make your already glowing face more beautiful. Chalo chalo, mujhe mat dekho ye lo aur jao Nandu." She literally dragged me inside the changing room and shut the door. I saw my face on the mirror. True that, I was glowing. Like never before.

"Nandu jaldi!!" I came out of my trance with the loud banging and started dressing up. Sure I am tired.


The set up was white and beautiful. Since it was night time already, little dancing white lights were hanging from above, fixed on the walls and situated on the floor everywhere. White drapes and curtains covered the venue with dazzling white flowers glorifying it. All the guests were properly treated with extra care as most of them were present in the morning too. White tables and white chairs were arranged around a white and silver mandap.
Bells were revolving around the frame of the mandap always making a low chime sound neither too loud nor too low. Green gardens were enhanced with lights and access to move in them with arranged seats and sofas. It was a proper indian wedding with all the things required. From a large and rich gate for the welcome of the groomside to path leading to the mandap. Everything screamed of traditions and beauty but in a very smooth and subtle way. As the crowd began to cover up the seats and assigned people were running here and there to manage everything, Manik was a bit too excited for the wedding.

"Yeah, I need white lights, around 100. And please keep in mind that there should be no bug around. I need purifiers to work properly. Sensing one mistake, I'll make you regret your job." He instructed on phone grabbing his white jacket and putting it on. He put on the cuffs, adjusted his clothes, combed his already set hair, wore his watch and smirked.

"Somebody is looking handsome." Mia teased standing at the door.

"That somebody has a name and by the way, he always looks handsome, unlike you. Where were you by the way?" He asked.

"Stop boasting yourself. And I was with dadi. Guests are here and so she needed me to welcome them." She informed shoving his clothes aside and jumping on his bed.

She sighed loudly and glared.
"I swear, after this hectic day if you didnt give me a long long vacation, I am going to offer you to the hell. And we dont want that so I am expecting a good and relaxing vacation." She demanded making him laugh.

"Me and Nandu wont be here for a while and so Ms. Malhotra you need to be with dadi. We'll think about your vacation later."
She frowned and was about to throw a huge fit when the door yanked open and there stood Cabir with Manik's white turban.

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