"C" is for Cannibal (Act II)

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"I don't want any of these hearts....I just want yours, (F/N)....your heart is the best out of all...so innocent and pure. And tonight, not just your heart, but...all of you...every organ, every pound of flesh, every breath, every drop of blood, every appendage....will be mine."

"I should get going...I can't just stand here like this forever."

You mumble underneath your breath before scanning yourself in the mirror for what seemed to be the hundredth time, twisting and turning your torso in order to examine both the front and back of your body. For this dinner that Cain had invited you to, you had decided to sport a simple white button down with a pair of black slacks that hung somewhat loosely on your waist.

"Shit....I can't believe I don't have a single belt in this house. That's a problem." A frown tugs down the corners of your mouth while your brow furrows in concern at the sight of the slightly large waistband failing to hug your hips. "Oh well...I guess if I keep pulling my pants up it'll be fine..."

The outfit was not too fancy but not too casual either. Perfect for a dinner date. 'Wait...is this even a date? No, it's just because I recently moved here...it's just a welcome type of thing...right?'  A blush bloomed on your cheeks  at the thought, your (S/C) skin turning a rosy red shade at the thought of a blooming romance unfolding between you and your chiseled neighbor.

That red tint almost instantly amplified as a second thought intruded your mind. Not out of embarrassment, but because of pure panic. "No, I'm late!" You exclaim, voice riddled with urgency. "Shit, I shouldn't have been looking in the mirror for so long..." Disoriented by the sudden rush of anxiety that came with the knowledge of being late, you abruptly stumble and almost fall out of your room in an attempt to run out the door as quickly as possible.

It was not long before you scurried downstairs, wrapping your hand around the brass doorknob of your front door before flinging it open. A rush of cool winter air nips at your underdressed body mercilessly, causing you to hiss like a vampire that was exposed to sunlight. "Damn..." You murmur as you begin to hike towards your neighbor's household, the harsh winter winds ruthlessly blowing freezing cold air at your exposed skin, goosebumps forming painfully along your arms.

By the time you had finally reached your destination, your entire body was trembling and shaking due to your sensitive skin being exposed to the mercilessly frigid winter air, a soft red glow dusting your nose and cheeks as a mechanic reaction to being exposed to the ruthless cold. As you raised a shaky, shivering fist to the large wooden door that could only be classified as the entrance to Cain's humble abode, the door suddenly flung open, its hinges almost breaking due to the sheer force that had been inflicted upon it.

"(Y/N)! Welcome." Cain's handsome, chiseled face brightened into a warm and welcoming expression, his soft pink lips coiling into what seemed to be a hybrid between a smile and a smirk as he stood at the doorframe. He had opened the door so quickly without even receiving a signal, such as a knock, to alert him of your presence, indicating that he must have been peering through the window, watching and waiting for you to arrive to his house. He had quite a special meal planned for that night, so naturally the cannibal was excited and anxious to get the night started. "Please, come on in..."

"O-Oh! Thank you." As soon as Cain took a step aside in order to allow you to come into his home, you graciously strolled inside of the house before taking a few steps into the living room. Cain waited until you were out of sight before quietly shutting the door and locking it behind him, the soft click of the lock echoing menacingly along the barren walls of the hallway.

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