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Dusty Dier met her roommate three years ago. She was fresh in University and knew nothing about everything. Her roommate had been in University for a year and knew everything about nothing. It was rare, a freshman and sophomore rooming together. But the dorm, West Dorm C-3, was low on space and had nowhere else to put Dusty. She was okay with rooming with a sophomore but when she saw Liv she immediately felt like a small field mice trying to out run a hawk. Her name was Liv, in all honesty how bad could she have been? 

Very bad. The answer is very bad. 

"Rule one," Liv had stated as soon as Dusty walked through the door. "If you're going to wear pink floral dresses all the time, tell me in advance so I can gouge my eyes out." 

Dusty was terrified to ask what rule two was. But she did anyway. 

"Rule two is also simple. Do not bring any traces of meat in this dorm or I'll report you to the lame but incredibly useful "Dorm Police" for bringing in outside food." 

She was right to be scared. 

Liv had black hair and her eyes always looked ice blue. She was very pretty; but awfully scary. Vegetarian, too. (Not like that was an issue. Dusty thought it was pretty damn cool.)

Dusty was pretty, too. But at times she felt so plain. With her dresses and leggings and always brown makeup to dull out her eyes even more. She didn't mind being plain. Dusty liked plain. Plain never gave her false hope. It was what it was.

Like that ex-boyfriend from Year 11 who said he was everything under the sun – except a bad boyfriend. He lied. Ten months into their relationship he broke up with Dusty because he had fallen in love with someone else. Technically, Dusty couldn't be mad because love had a funny way of working. She was more disappointed than mad. She was also upset. She had learned to love that boy. And he shattered her heart in three. (Liv said that if she were there she would have kicked the jerk in his balls.) 

Dusty was known back home for having horrible relationships. It wasn't her fault. After a few times of getting heartbroken she had decided that commitment wasn't her thing. 

That's why when she met Niall Horan in the back of Tally's Maxi Mart with a bottle of shampoo and a container of Dave’s Famous Choco-Mint Chip Ice Cream she told herself it was just a regular ol' run in with a celebrity who she'll never meet again. 

Dusty Dier met Niall Horan seven months and two days ago. 

It wasn't just a regular ol' run in with a celebrity. 

author's note;
hi hello how are you? good? wonderful. 
this is the typewriter's secret and i really really really like this one. i might end up changing the name later but i'll see how this goes first.
if you enjoyed this teeny tiny prologue i would much appreciate if you could vote, comment, and follow as that would make me a very happy girl ^^ 
i love you all very very much. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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