( xii. phone call )

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Mara, babe? Are you okay?

I'm fine, Marie. You don't have
to check up on me every day.

I do when you won't even talk
to anyone but me now. I'm
seriously worried about you,
Mar, we all are.

Well, just stop worrying. I'm
one hundred percent okay.

No, you're not Mara. Just
stop trying to deny the way
you feel right now. You're
hurting, and that's okay.
You don't have to pretend
you're not.

Marie, you're my best friend
and I love you, okay? But, just
please let me deal with this alone.

That's the thing though!
You're not even dealing
with it, Amara. You're
hiding your feelings and
pretending that everything's
fine when it's really not!

Marie, please

No, Mara! This is ridiculous,
you're not playing the role of
Wren anymore. This is real life,
and you can't hide from real life.
You have to deal with your
problems, and Bob is one of them
right now. You need to talk to him,
and this time, let him know how
you really feel.

I tried, Marie! And he didn't
feel the same, I'm not gonna
put myself through that again!

Yes, you tried. But you didn't
actually tell him! He has a right
to know how you feel about him,
Mar. And trust me when I say this,
Bob was being stupid. He didn't
know what he was saying.

Oh, really? He didn't know
that he was slowly breaking
my heart into little tiny pieces?
How did he not know, huh?

Because he was scared! Yes,
Mar, he was just as scared
as you were. You weren't the
only one I was trying to calm
down that night. He was
hysterical, terrified about
what you were going to say.

But, why?

Oh my god, Amara! How
do you not know? He loves
you, Amara Jones! Robert
Morley loves you! Just as
much as you love him, if
not more.

That's stupid, Marie. Don't
kid about this. If he loved me,
he wouldn't have said those things.

I can't justify what he
said that night, and I
have no idea why he
said it, when he in no
way means it. He was
stupid, and scared, and
he he loves you, Mar.
Just please, try and talk
to him again. You both
deserve it.

What do I even say, Marie?

You tell him that you
love him, Amara. Let
him know, and I promise
you, he'll tell you the same.

I'll try, Marie.


im crying in the club rn
guys,, why do i do this to
my precious babies??
anywhore, hopefully things
will go a lot better this time
no promises though :-))

— maddie aka lukesyoutube

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