( vii. texts )

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bob the builder 💝
your mom just offered me
a 'special' brownie ...

babygirl mara 💓
dude my mom is the bomb dot com
but don't take one of those brownies
you've never been stoned before and that's no good

bob the builder 💝
I pity your sister's husband

babygirl mara 💓
why ???

bob the builder 💝
for marrying into this

babygirl mara 💓
stfu you love us boy

bob the builder 💝

babygirl mara 💓
if you didn't love us then you wouldn't be here now, would you? 🤔

bob the builder 💝
I'm only here for the free food

babygirl mara 💓
lying is a sin

bob the builder 💝
I'm also here for your sister's
ass because dam

babygirl mara 💓
educate yourself its damn

mar bear 🐻I still can't believe you invited Bob but not me to your house your mom's lasagna is todie for 😭

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

mar bear 🐻
I still can't believe you
invited Bob but not me
to your house
your mom's lasagna is to
die for 😭

girlfriend mars ❤️
my mom is too busy flirting with bob to cook food

mar bear 🐻

girlfriend mars ❤️
wow you're so helpful
I'm highkey done with his ass 🙄

mar bear 🐻
that's what I'm here for
oh gods what happened?
Are you okay??

girlfriend mars ❤️
I just want chewy cuddles atm
idk man I just feel so left out with everything and Bob is too interested in my sister's ass to even spend a minute with me ugh

mar bear 🐻
sounds like something else
is going on mars ...

girlfriend mars ❤️

mar bear 🐻
you're so jealous
you're jealous of Bob staring
at your sister's ass and not
paying attention to you
it's so obvious oh my god

girlfriend mars ❤️
lol u playin
why should I be jealous of him staring at her ass??  yes I'm bitter because  he's here to spend time with me and instead spending his time trying to chat up Yolanda but that's okay because there's no feelings there for him.

mar bear 🐻
I didn't say anything about
feelings... just the jealousy part
to be truthfully ...

girlfriend mars ❤️
that doesn't mean anything
bob is my friend. nothing more.

mar bear 🐻
yeah sure
quick question !
where is bob sleeping tonight?

girlfriend mars ❤️
with me ???
that doesn't mean anything though

mar bear 🐻
I know babe
I know ...

[ a/n ] ;  ew this sucks so much someone sue me

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

[ a/n ] ;  ew this sucks so much someone sue me ... wait don't bc im broke thank

thank you for reading, i promise better and longer chapters are coming soon !!

— maddie aka lukesyoutube

MEDIA  ▷  BOB MORLEYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ