chapter 4

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They headed back to the pet salon after they finished their meal. Jongin refused to walk ahead this time. He held Kyungsoo's hand to keep up with his pace, and released it after they were in line.

Kyungsoo could not believe his luckiness; his hand was held by The Adonis himself. He mentally cried. The boy fought hard not to squeal out loud, he released a choked weird sound instead. Kyungsoo felt so light, so light and happy he swore he could float in the sky. How Kyungsoo wished to dance on his tip-toes, doing a pirouette and twirling the lamp post, as he was singing to his favorite Bieber's song.

Jongin coughed awkwardly.

"Do you like to play basketball? I mean, I see you often at the field, so I guess, you have some kind of attraction to the game or something," he asked as he turned his head toward the boy beside him.

Kyungsoo was flabbergasted, pondering on how he should answer the question. Well, he did have some kind of attraction, but to the certain Adonis walking beside him and not basketball. He was completely clueless at any sport. Kyungsoo squeezed his brain, desperately thinking of anything basketball related.

"I love basketball! It's so interesting, snatching the ball, and yeah, it's bouncing, being thrown into the net, and it goes into the loop, and it's bouncing back, people scrambled to snatch the bouncing ball, and there's the championship for it too... mmm... have I mentioned that it's bouncing?" Kyungsoo stammered, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

Jongin chuckled. "Do you have any favorite player?" he asked, a breathtakingly vibrant smile tugged on his lips.

Yes. YOU.

"Err. Not really. Mmm, but I do know some names, such as Kim Kardashian," Kyungsoo stammered.

"Kim Kardashian?" Jongin was genuinely confused. He had never heard of any basketball player by that name.

"Yes, she just got divorced after 72 days of marriage from a basketball player. Or is he a hockey player?" Kyungsoo got confused by his own words. His eyebrows knitted together in thought, eyes as big as saucer pans.

Jongin got even more confused. "Who is Kim Kardashian?"

And the rest of their walk was filled up by Kyungsoo explaining everything about Kim Kardashian, who was apparently married to a basketball player or maybe a hockey player for 72 days, and then got divorced.


Lulu and Kris had waited for their owners, all groomed and polished. Lulu looked contented. He lay down in ease, his eyes narrowed, blinking slowly. It seemed like the cat had not noticed the shocking purple ribbon on his head, and Kyungsoo planned to keep it that way. Lulu twitched his tail, releasing a brief meow when he saw Kyungsoo and Jongin getting inside. Standing up slowly, the cat walked toward them elegantly.

Kyungsoo startled at his cat's act, as he had never seen Lulu to be this much happy to see him. He was so touched. Kyungsoo spread his arms wide and bolted toward his beloved cat, just like in those lame dog food ads, where the not-so-good-looking owners (usually in their unsexy khaki colors loose sweaters) reuniting with their dogs in joy (cats don't bolt toward their so-called owners, ads or not).

Apparently Kyungsoo thought wrong. Lulu turned out heading to a completely different direction. The cat swayed his hips straight to Jongin, rubbing his fury body to the sexy legs as he reached him.

And Then They Lived Happily Ever AfterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ