chapter 3

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Kyungsoo's mouth was hanging opened, and his wide eyes were staring longingly at the epitome of perfection without blinking. He looked so dumb... and creepy.

Please close your mouth, you are embarrassing yourself, more importantly, me, hissed Lulu ruining Kyungsoo's fanboying moment.

Kyungsoo was taken aback as if someone had just splashed him with a bucket of cold water. He corrected his greeting hastily.

"Ah, no. I mean, yes. I mean, I'm your junior, senpai..., I mean, sunbae-" his next words came out inaudible, they were more like incoherent rambling.

On second thought, please opened your mouth back and don't say a word. His sassy cat snarled at him.

Lulu hopped down Kyungsoo's lap and sat by his own, on the seat next to the boy. Kyungsoo was a huge embarrassment for Lulu, and the cat certainly did not want to be linked to the said huge embarrassment.

The object of his affection, the very one Kim Jongin sunbae, chuckled. He walked calmly to have a sit next to Kyungsoo- he did not sit on Lulu, of course; The cat was at Kyungsoo's other side.

"I thought so. I have seen you a lot, especially around the basketball field."

His honey, succulent voice spread into the air, going all the way to get inside Kyungsoo's ear, carresing his eardrums oh so softly, as if it was humming Kyungsoo a romantic lullaby.

"Mm... Hello? Dongsaeng..?" The honey succulent voice hypnotized Kyungsoo, the boy didn't realize that the hypnotizing voice's owner was talking to him.

A tender reminder coming from Lulu did the damage control.


"Ah, yes, Kim Jongin sunbae!" Kyungsoo gasped.

Jongin smiled. "You know my name already. It will be awkward if I refer you as a dongsaeng all the time, right? What's your name?" Jongin turned his position a bit toward Kyungsoo. He went on, still with a radiant smile on his face, "You can call me hyung."

Kyungsoo mentally slapped himself to stay conscious. He stuttered, "My name's Do Kyungsoo, h-hyung." Blood rushed to his face. Kyungsoo felt that he was going to faint in less than a minute. This was too much for him to handle; normally there were at least 50 meters length distance between them.

At this blessed moment they were only an inch apart. Kyungsoo could smell his intoxicating scent: mint, with a tint of citrus and perfection.

Awwww, now he's flushing like a school girl, Lulu commented.

"I will call you Kyungsoo then. Anyway, what were you doing at the basketball field?"

Jongin sunbae flashed his impeccable smile.

Kyungsoo was in panic. He didn't know how to answer that. He couldn't say 'stalking you', no?

Kyungsoo forced his rarely-been-used brain to think.

Think smart...!

Think smart!


Ohmygod anything will do! His mind screamed at him. And yes, Kyungsoo ended up saying 'anything'.

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