Thirty-nineth Entry

15 2 0

Dear Diary,

You won't guess kung sino ang last dance ko. But before that let me explain what happens.

May midnight dance kasi kaming ginawa. It will start at 11:30 up to 12:00. Lahat kami ay magsasayaw ng pabilog (two circles: isang inner at isang outer circle) at magpapalit ng partners every song. Then sabi nila, kung sino daw ang kapartner mo when the clock strikes twelve is the one you will love forever; or at least thats what the saying says which i did not believe.

So when the clock strikes twelve huminto na yung tugrog at tinanggal namin yung masks namin. Yung kasayaw ko na si Mr. Black kasi nakakulau black sya ay walang iba kundi si.......

Harris. Yep. OMG!

Faith ❤ ❤

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