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Ugh the weekend has needed and today is school. I hate school so much. I'm the popular girl of the unpopular people but the popular people hate me just because well I don't know the same reason they hate everyone else. As I was walking to 1st period Nicole; the most popular girl in our year approached me. Most people would sweat about it but not me she was just a girl and a very small girl at that .

Nicole: I saw your snapchat
Y/n: Cool well that is what snapchats for
Nicole: You know what I mean bitch!
Y/n: Sadly I haven't got a clue
Nicole: Mark noticed you AND THEN you had the nerve to post about MY MARK
Y/n: Haha 'your mark' I'm dead
Nicole: well I don't think he's anyone else's, do you Y/n?
Y/n: Well if your gonna argue over who Mark likes more which is what seems to be happening . Mark asked for MY number . So until he notices you , asks for your number or calls you cute I think he's MY MARK.
Nicole: Whatever, see you later. Slut

Nicole is such a bitch. How can people like her? She has a bad personality that she covers up with fakeness and a bad complexion she covers up with makeup.
It was in the middle of 3rd period when my phone buzzed. I slid it out from under the desk and saw it was a text from a random number but the text said it was from Mark.

Mark: Hey Y/n it's Mark what you up to?💝💝
Y/n: in math at school😂 I'm hiding my phone under the table so I can still text you xx
Mark: You can go if you want I'll just text u later if ur worried about the teacher catching you texting x
Y/n: Nah I don't think he's going to catch me , he probably dosnt even know I'm here lol😂❤
Mark: Oh why? I would notice you anywhere😉
Y/n: idk I just try to ignore people at school , there usually idiots
Mark:That's why I'm home schooled
Y/n: I know , don't forget I'm a fan girl😂😂

Just then I heard a voice I didn't think I'd hear

Teacher: Um Y/n I seen you with your phone hand it over.
Y/n: Um no I'll switch it off but your not having it
Teacher: Y/n give me the phone and you can have it back at the end of the lesson.

So I have him my phone. He carried on with the lesson until like 10 minutes then he said

Teacher: for goodness sake Y/n your phone won't be quite!

He picked it up and read the notifications.

Teacher: Oh I see, well, you better tell this Mark to stop texting you during class!
Y/n: You have no right to read my texts out loud
Teacher: And you have no right to be texting in a lesson!
Nicole: Bitch I thought I told you to stop talking to Mark he's mine and he's gonna notice me soon so just BACK OFF!
Y/n: Yeah but I don't listen to what irrelevant people say

Nicole got out of her seat and ran at me so I pushed her to the floor. She was bad at fighting she fought like a 4th grader and i could easily win. I didn't want to hurt Nicole seeing as I don't really like getting into fights unless I had to , but she kept tryna scratch at my face so I did her 3 heavy punches that I'd learn at my self defense class 4 years ago. After that her nose bust.

Teacher: Well girls , I'll be seeing you in detention for the next 3 weeks!


Sorry for not posting in like 3 days! Hope u like this bit of the story.
If you have Instagram and like Mark , Loren , baby Ariel , Lisa and Lena, bratayley or/and halia Beamer can you follow my fan page @luckilymusers bc I'm doing edits and yeah💓💓💓 I also reply to dms.

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