1~The Broadcast✨

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Btw if you haven't read the bottom part of the intro I suggest you do as it will help you understand what's going on :)

Lucy: Marks going live on younow
Y/n: For some reason I feel like we're going to get noticed, idk why
Lucy: Omg y/n I think you're write I just have a feeling that marks going to notice you like IDK!!!
Beth: Omg you two thinking Mark is going to notice you out of everyone.

Beth laughed but I actually did feel like Mark was going to notice me like for some reason we would get guested. I opened the app on my phone so that if the small chance Mark ever noticed us he would fan my account as I would be the account noticed , that may seem selfish but Lucy and Beth where not into Mark at all , like I guess Lucy liked him but not like I did and Beth was pretending to like Hunter Rowland just to fit in with me and Lucy. Everyone knew Beth wasn't into anyone and as long as we had known her never had been.
For about half an hour we waited on younow and I started to doubt more and more we weren't going to get noticed at all , Mark was gesting some really pretty girls but skill not me.

Lucy: I think we should delete our request to be guested and then send it again but we should put something different
Y/n: What do you mean something different? If he dosnt guest us now we won't get guested at all and tbh I'm starting to give up my hope on bieng noticed , Mark must of seen my name on his screen once before as I have supported everything he's done. So one time even if he didn't pay any attention he must of seen my name and just ignored it. So what's the point ?
Lucy: Oh shut up y/n I will get you noticed right here , right now
Y/n: how?
Lucy: Get me a piece of paper please, I'll need it

Even Beth noticed Lucy was up to something and I have no clue what.
Lucy wrote on the piece of paper 'GUEST US AND WE WILL SING'

Y/n:Lucy no way! I'm not singing infront of Mark and neither are you! Especially not you the last thing I want is Mark liking you and not me!
Lucy: Ffs Y/n this is the only chance you have of bieng noticed and you're gonna blow it because of your silly fear of singing in front of other people.

She was right. My fear was stupid but I can't do it , when I go to sing to someone else my voice freezes and the words won't come out. I can sing to myself only. I wish I could sing infront of Mark because honestly my voice isn't all that bad, sometimes I think it's amazing and over times I think it's the worst .Lucy grabbed my phone and guested us.

Lucy: No but I want to do it for you. Mark needs to notice you it's been long enough now
Y/n:Lucy no , I'm leaving the room I don't want to do it!
Unknown: Do what?

Me and Lucy's heads started to turn . Please don't let it be who I thought that voice was!!! In our argument we had assumed we where still waiting to be guested , well , we thought wrong.

Lucy:Mark! You actually guested us, look that girl right there has to be your No1 fan ! Omg I can't believe this ! Y/n! Are you seeing this it's Mark !

Comments flooded in the broadcast from other Mark fans "is the girl in the doing some kind of mannequin challenge ?😂" Maybe I was. I had no clue what was happening . I was froze on the spot just staring at marks smile. He looked like he was waiting for my reaction to seeing him . All I could do was give a tiny smile . Not even sure if people would call that a smile. Maybe I was too far away and Mark couldn't make out my half smile. I walked over to my phone looking like a robot I never felt so nervous in my whole life.

Mark:Hey beautiful
Y/n: Um, hey Mark . I mean like, I kinda, well I guess I, like you alot

Wow , Lucy and Beth dropped in hysteric laughter at my terrible performance to Mark . This was not how I imagined bieng noticed was like , I felt so scared like a deer in the headlights, but Mark wasn't laughing he was still all concentrated on me smiling but not a fake smile like I expected . Just then the door burst open.

Parents:Can you girls keep it down in hear!

Without thinking I ended the broadcast. I didn't want people to make comments on my parents or didn't my parents to ask who Mark was or why am I talking to boys online, they wouldn't understand. I looked at Beth and Lucy there jaws where dropped open .


I burst into tears . Mark must think I'm a physco , and the chances of him ever noticing me again are slim. I bet I had a do double chin aswell!
I continued to cry the whole night. I must of been really annoying to Beth and Lucy , it was supposed to be a girls sleepover and ended up in me killing the vibes over a boy! After all that I was very tired and just slipped into sleep trying not to think about Mark .

Did you like the 1st chapter? I'll try post chapter 2 tomorrow hope you enjoyed it✔️✨

Never Get Noticed | A Duhitzmark FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ