liam payne - roses

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"That was an amazing concert, don't you think, Y/N?" Your best friend, Liam, asked you as the two of you headed out to your car. You nodded once, twice. "Definitely! And when the bass dropped! Oh my god!" You exclaimed, moving your hands to emphasize your feelings towards what you just witnessed. You checked your phone for the time. 1 : 13 am. "We should probably get home, Liam. It's really late." You pointed out when you were standing in front of your car. "Yeah." Was all he said. Liam being the gentleman that he is, walked to your side and opened the door for you. "Thanks Li." You said, slipping the key in the ignition. He didn't shut the car door. Instead, he got down on one knee. At first, you thought he was proposing or some crazy thing like that, but then you realized that the two of you weren't even in a relationship, so how could Liam even think about doing that? You pretended to ignore the fast rate of your heart which quickened by the second and laughed nervously. "What are you doing?" Your voice came out squeaky. It always did that when you were anxious or nervous or anything but calm and relaxed. And Liam knew that. That's why he was smirking at you. He looked down at the ground momentarily before looking up at you, holding a long rectangular box. It was bigger than a necklace case, so you crossed that option off the list. What in the world was in that box? Liam handed you the item slowly, almost as if he were afraid it would fall and shatter into a million pieces on the ground. "Open it, Y/N. It's for you.." His voice was hardly above a whisper. You slid off the top of the box and looked inside. In the box were two roses, one pink and one red, and layed on them was a note. 'Whichever rose you pick, you have to answer the question beneath it. -Li' Your eyebrows knit together in confusion but you just shrugged it off as you carefully selected the pink one, for it was your favorite color. You picked it up from the box and read the printed text underneath. 'Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N? -Li' Your heart nearly hammered it's way out of your chest. You've liked Liam for about a month now and ever since then, you've been wanting him to be your boyfriend. It was a long shot, or so you thought, because this very moment, your best friend since third grade was now asking you to be his girlfriend. You felt heat rise to your cheeks and without a word, Liam rose off the ground as well, planting a gentle kiss on your lips. "I'll take your blush as a yes?" He questioned after pulling away to look you in the eyes. You didn't respond. You just closed the gap between the two of you and savored the moment for the time being. You were finally your crush's girlfriend. And that was not what you were expecting when you agreed to go to a concert with him.

One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora