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1 month later...

Reid didn't even bother to hide his grin as Chung kept them all entertained with another one of his poor attempts at a joke. The team and their families were all gathered around the enormous table on Rossi's backyard deck. Hotch responded with his admittedly much better humor, and Reid was glad to see that the Unit Chief and 'father' of their little group was allowing himself to relax. He had noticed that after his own return, the team spirit was lighter. Hotch smiled, Garcia came up with new nicknames, her new favorite for Reid was foxy genius, which he hated, and creamsicle as a close second, Lewis and Chung were more engaged outside of work, and JJ had this light in her eyes that never really seemed to go away. His family was whole and happy.

He was distracted from his thoughts by his godson, who jumped up and down pleading with him to come play. Reid obliged more than willingly, he always would for Henry. The content genius spent the rest of the hour entertaining the three children until Will called them back over to the table for food.

The mood as they ate was joyful and everyone was laughing. Chung's husband, Dustin, had a moment where one of Rossi's dry comments had him spraying soda from his mouth across the table when he was unable to hold in his boisterous giggle. His face turned beet red when he realized what he had done, he spluttered out flustered apologies as everyone else cracked up around him. When the laughter faded and the small mess had been cleaned up, the conversation turned to talk of the search for Reid's new apartment.

It started to grow dark and so they all helped Rossi with the dishes and leftovers, leaving Garcia and Reid with the kids. By the time they finished, the sun had disappeared beyond the horizon leaving behind only a soft orange glow. The group moved inside and lounged in the living room watching a movie and chatting amicably. Reid was curled up in a chair, half-asleep, observing his friends, no, his family with content. Hotch saw him looking and offered an easy grin which he readily returned, before his lids drooped and he gave in to the blissfulness of slumber, his smile remaining even in his dreams.

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