Chapter 5

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They decided to skip the veterinarian for the present moment, it would be better to go to the doctor once they were back in Quantico. The team made their way back to the precinct where Lewis was waiting. JJ kept quiet, but everyone in the car could practically hear the questions bouncing around in her head. Hotch had told her to wait until they were back at the station for information, it would be more efficient if he didn't have to reveal the situation multiple times. JJ had her suspicions, with Hotch's reactions as evidence, but agreed to wait until they could gather the entire team. Of course, Hotch was also providing himself with an extra few minutes to collect his thoughts and figure out the best way to explain.

"You're telling us that this is Reid. A fox is Reid." Lewis said incredulously. Chung looked equally as doubtful. Hotch nodded solemnly, no trace of humor showing on his face. Lewis stared at him, then at said fox. The animal blinked at her from where he was curled up on JJ's lap. The blonde woman seemed to have taken the news fairly well, especially after the way the fox greeted her. Her eyes were still slightly red from the tears of happiness she had shed when Reid had bounded up to her and given her the canine equivalent of a bear hug. JJ hadn't let go of him since. Lewis still didn't seem convinced. "How d'you know?"

"Hatfield told us." Rossi interjected, drawing the room's attention to himself. The fox snapped to attention, body going tense upon hearing the name.

"He could be lying, trying to mess with us."

"It certainly looks like a fox, but it doesn't act like any animal I've met before." Chung finally added his input. Reid looked at him and appeared to frown. Suddenly he leapt off JJ and onto the mahogany top of the desk they were sitting around. The group voicelessly watched as he padded over to Chung and perched in front of the agent. Chung cautiously extended his hand for the fox to sniff. Reid stretched his neck out and his black nose twitched as he accepted the invitation. Satisfied, the fox leaned back and turned to stare at Hotch, a clear question on his face.

"Reid, meet SA Kai Chung. He used to work in the Organized Crime Unit. He joined the BAU seven months ago." Reid flattened his ears in displeasure. "We were down two people, it was necessary to bring another person on to the team, Reid. Chung was the best candidate." The fox looked between the two agents, then let out a huff of acceptance and headed back to JJ.

"Okay, I think I can believe it now." Lewis chuckled, making everyone else grin.


"We found him." Rossi declared harshly as he stalked into the interrogation room. Hatfield leaned back in his seat and let out a relieved sigh. "You're going to tell me everything that you had to do with the kidnappings in Rochester, and about your role in the attempted abduction or Timothy Holt this morning."

"You said we'd talk deal." Rossi dropped into the chair across from the prisoner. He pretended not to notice how uncomfortable his seat was. Hatfield's unease was clear, if the rapid tapping of his fingers on the table was any indication.

"That I did. However, before that deal is made, I need to know all the facts, and you, doctor, are the only one who seems to have any idea of what the hell is going on here."

"You promise that I'll get my deal," Rossi nodded grudgingly. "It was Jamie's idea. He approached me after I gave a lecture at University of Minnesota Rochester for his psychology class. He told me he was working on his vet license, but wanted to study Ātmāra. I took him on as my protégé, it was stupid of me." Hatfield shook his head in despair. "We were testing the theory that by destroying every cell in a person's body and rebuilding it in a short amount of time, you could potentially turn them into their Ātmā. I was also hoping that it could cure any disease..."

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