The start of everything

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I would love to thank my wonderful editor ProudlyNigerian and she also made my wonderful cover too.

Today is my birthday but there is none to share it with me. My family and whom I thought were my friends threw me out of my pack.  I have been out on my own for six months now I barely have anything to eat and I am so skinny you can see some of my bones.

 I'm bruised, cut up and probably near death. Right now I'm looking for a place to lay my head my name is Crystal Blain. My family is part of the Red Rock pack my life wasn’t always like this. It all started one year ago when my two best friends died, they also were my older and younger sisters.


‘’ Crystal come play with us!’’ yelled my two sisters who were running toward the woods by our house. I tried to scream for them to stop but froze when I saw a group of rouges exiting the woods at about the same time.  Callie and Cathy stopped before they entered the woods and they saw that I was looking at the rouges. 

The largest rouge that I assumed to be their leader ran to my sister Callie and grabbed her by the arm and started to smell her.

‘’ Well look what we have here, unmated females! I think we can have some fun with them.’’  They seemed not to notice me but I still could not move. My wolf Kallie was trying to take over but it seemed that she kept failing over and over I just stood there as these rouges grabbed both of my sisters and took off into the woods. 

After they were gone it seemed now I could move. I ran in the direction that the rouges took my sisters and searched for them as I mind linked with my family and the other pack members to tell them what had happened.  About five minutes later my parents and other pack members showed up asking about what had happened and why I did not do anything. 

They kept staying that Callie was the next alpha mate I should have saved my sister and I should have put my life before hers and let the rouges take mine and that I was worthless. 

‘’ As for Cathy she was the baby for the pack and as her older sister again you should of given your life for her you stupid slut!’’ screamed my mother as she slapped me so hard I flew into a nearby tree. 

While blood was dripping down my back from the bark ripping into my skin, my father ran up to me and started to punch me in the stomach until I passed out.  I did not fully pass out but I could feel myself being pulled along to ground as rock and dirt were staring to dig into my cut in my back and started to cry.

My mother whispered to me ‘’ if you think this was bad just wait until we get back to our home that is when the fun was going to start.’’  For letting her babies being taken away and not killing myself in their place.

As my parents started to arrive at our home we were joined by other people from our pack and there stood Luke, my sister Callie's mate he had a deadly look in his eyes and I knew that he was angered but the look in his eyes if looks could kill I would be dead.  Also present was the actual alpha of the pack Luke's father alpha Tom.

He started to talk ‘’ As of this day forward you will be the packs punching bag you will not talk to anyone you will not look at anyone and if someone asks you a question you will answer yes sir or yes ma’am. Do you understand me Crystal Blain?’’ 

I looked up at him and nodded my head yes just as I was slapped hard in the face.

‘’ I said do you understand?’’ He repeated and I whispered yes sir. 

‘’ Well that is much better but first we will give you your punishment you will be looked up in the stockade for two weeks. Anyone can and will by stopping by to hand you your punishment.’’ He ordered.

My father and mother locked me in the stockade. The stockade had three holes in it one being for my head and the other two for my arms. I could not lie down or sit I stood there shamefully as I felt my shirt being ripped away only my undershirt was showing. My mother brought forth a whip and started to whip me and as the whip tore through my skin I started to scream and then blacked out from the pain.

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