“Oh,” Nocte mumbled.

Calming, Pyralis tried again. “Nocte… Do you see yourself at Laurel Tree for the rest of your life?”

Startled, Nocte had not expected the question. She had expected an accusation, perhaps of Pyralis saying she didn’t need her pity, but it turned out to be Laurel Tree? And what was she implying? That Laurel Tree wasn’t worth Nocte’s time and energy?

She managed to keep the anger from her voice when she asked, “What do you mean?”

Pyralis turned to meet her eyes gravely. “What do you see in your future?”

“The estate, of course,” Nocte answered, not missing a beat. It was peculiar question.

Truthfully, what else could she hope for?

Pyralis bit her lips together unhappily. Had she said something wrong?

“Why?” Nocte enquired. “What were you expecting?”

The alchemist sighed harshly. “I don’t know. Something… more.”

“More?” Nocte was confused. Did no one understand that the estate was Nocte’s future? That she could picture a steady, content life among the rice fields? “Well, what do you see in your future?”

“A doctorate degree in alchemy and a double-major in chemistry and biology,” Pyralis answered easily, as if she had already done it. Actually, it wouldn’t surprise Nocte one bit if Pyralis had already finished her majors.

But it was still a surprising answer.

“Wouldn’t that be hard?” Nocte didn’t just mean academically, but also financially.

Pyralis seemed to understand. “I’ve spoken with Professor Ranae.” Ranae was the supervisor of the Alchemy Department and well known for his break-through discoveries. “He offered a research position for me. If I work beside him I can obtain, not only my doctorate, but experience and financial aid for my education.”

“Wow,” Nocte gasped, feeling a rush of excitement at the possibility. “You can do it, Pyralis. I believe in you!”

Even Pyralis couldn’t help but smile as she nodded. “And you?”

Her? What did Pyralis mean?

“Well,” Nocte said. “I’m aiming for a Necromancy major.”

“And then?” Pyralis hinted.

“And then-” Nocte stumbled. And then what? Laurel Tree, of course. But saying it out loud would sound so… bland compared to Pyralis’ crazy Alchemy doctorate. “And then Laurel Tree.”

Pyralis nodded mutely.

Nocte could tell she wanted to say something, but couldn’t bring herself to do so. Instead, Nocte asked, “What are you going to do with an Alchemy doctorate?”

“Research,” Pyralis answered, almost absentmindedly as her eyes turned inwards in deep contemplation. What could she possibly be thinking about if not Alchemy? “Perhaps help the empire develop new potions of some sort.”

“Of course,” Nocte thought in awe.

The title of “Lady Alchemist” was not as empty as Nocte had thought. Perhaps no money or land, but there was plenty of reputation to go around. As the Lady Alchemist, Pyralis could get into high positions within the alchemy field, developing new cures or (more likely for Pyralis) poisons and acids. She could go even further to secure herself a position on the Alchemy Board or something as grandiose and high paying.

Nocte Yin: Anti-Villain, Anti-Hero and Anti-Everything Elseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن