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Authors note: Hey everyone, this is a rough picture of how Midknight looks like. I'm not the best drawer so take this with a pinch of salt. Anyways back to Malcolm

'Drugs, this seems to be something that keeps coming back to this city.' Malcolm thought when he stood outside the old library, the center of west Dark City 'It seems like yesterday when I first stopped a few lizard men from getting their heroin out of Dark City.'

Midknight opened the doors to the old library and stayed still as the doors slowly creaked open. After waiting to make sure there was nothing in the darkness waiting for him Midknight entered the library.
The inside was even worse than the outside. Almost everything was burnt and the whole place reaked of burnt wood. The few books that were still in good condition were transported to the new library a long time ago.

'I never thought I'd get to see this place again.' Malcolm thought, remembering the times he came here when he was younger.

Midknight walked throughout the library, listening and looking for anything that might seem out of the ordinary. He began to smell the faint scent of metal burning when he walked close to the doors that led downstairs. Without a second thought, Midknight went down the stairs.
Who would've known that below an abandoned burned down library in the worst part of town was a drug lab. Though Midknight was unable to see any notes or the actual drug itself he was able to recognize the equipment needed to make them.

'Who ever did this went through a lot of trouble' Malcolm thought.

He began to feel sick in the stomach when he saw, on the table, was a coin. Curiously, Midknight picked it up and examined it. The coin was made of copper with the head of a dragon on one side and a dragon's tail on the other. The head of the dragon was staring at Midknight, as though it was prepared to strike him.
Just then Midknight heard movement from above. He reached for his staff only to curse himself for not bringing it. He was defenseless against whoever was above him.
A horrible stillness filled the area and in the dim light Midknight saw someone charge at him.
Quickly, Midknight dodged the attack and saw that it was Victoria.

'Curse Jackson!' Malcolm thought 'He told her where to find me!'

Victoria lunged again at Midknight and again Midknight dodged, but this time he pinned her to the floor.

"Why are you here?" Midknight asked.

"Jackson said you'd be here!" Victoria spat "It's time you get what's coming for you!"

" Victoria, you don't want to do this." Midknight said.

Victoria's eyes widened "How do you know my name?" she asked "And why should I trust anything you say?"

" Because," Malcolm said as he took off his mask "You've known me for a long time."

Victoria got up and, in a swift movement, slapped Malcolm across his face. Surprisingly, Malcolm expected more of a fight than she put up. After he got back up he took his glasses out and put them on.

"What did Jackson Brown tell you about me?" Malcolm asked.

"He said that he sent you on a hunt for the drug that has reached to the entire west part of town." Victoria replied angrily "But that he searched this place himself the day before you attacked us!"

'I've been set up.' Malcolm thought grimly.

"Why did you attack us?" Victoria angrily demanded.

"Who attacked you that night one month ago?" Malcolm asked.

"..." Victoria tried to recall that night "I...can't remember, when I got out of the hospital Jackson found me and told me about his pack and what's currently happening."

Midknight, the story of Malcolm Where stories live. Discover now