chapter 2

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Kyungsoo always came to school early because that way, there might be a chance for him to be able to see a certain person playing basketball with his -too much unimportance to be mentioned one by one- friends. A perfect morning was when he sat on the bench at a certain place protected by the trees, preferably far away from the basketball field, to stare at a particular person he had been ogling over for the past six months.

Distance -give or take, 90 feets- meant so little when you liked someone so much. Plus, Kyungsoo would always be ready with his precious binocular to keep an eye of the said person, just in case there were some important scenes happen. He bought the binocular after saving his allowance for a quite long time, and it was worth every penny. The binocular could magnify seven times, and so could make a certain sexy object appear seven times closer than the actual distance between he and the certain sexy object. Not to mention, Its 3 mm exit pupils were designed for birds observing in a broad daylight, thus no bright light could interfere with his humble wish. Kyungsoo chuckled. Yeah right, birds.

Like any other day, Kyungsoo pulled out his binocular and got ready to enjoy some ethereal views. Apparently it was his lucky day; there was a basketball match on the field. Looked like it had been going for at least half an hour, considering the certain person's state at that moment.

His healthy slightly golden-brown tinted skin looked moist and glowing. Sweat dripping down his Adonis face, flowing lower, and lower, dampening the pleasantly thin white shirt he was wearing, displaying the contour of his toned body really well for the world to enjoy. Hallelujah for the thin white shirt. And of course, face covered by sweat was not good for a basketball player, no? He wouldn't be able to see the match clearly, no? Kyungsoo held his breath. This is it, the thing he had been waiting to happen. The sacred moment.

Kyungsoo breathed sharply. He didn't blink, his fingers were wrapped tightly around the binocular they got white. And then the glorious scene happened. The certain player, slowly, oh it took ages in Kyungsoo's mind, raising the end of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face. The fabric rolled up. It went higher and higher, causing a boy far away to widen his eyes even more, ogling over the view of the Adonis' sexy chocolate abs.

Kyungsoo could not contain his feeling. He let out unmanly squeals, hands trembling in excitement. He had to squeeze his eyes hard and slap his chubby cheeks continuously to be able to control himself; his binocular fell from his grip, dangling around his neck wildly. Such a waste. Kyungsoo grasped the binocular fast and made the good use of it immediately.

Enjoying the view very much, I see.

Baekkie -the school's guard dog- approached Kyungsoo from behind, interrupting his fanboying moment.

Please wipe your drool.

"Hi Baekkie, I was just, err, observing nature," Kyungsoo tried to offer a barely reasonable reason, pathetically. "And It's sweat, not drool!" The boy hastily wiped a corner of his mouth.

You missed to wipe the sweat off the other corner of you mouth. Baekkie laughed. He let out a series of short barks, embarrassing the boy who weakly wiped the drool off of his other corner.

The nature is probably the one who is drenched in sweat right now.

Baekkie scoffed, turning his head lazily to look at the field. He sniffed a little and yelped. Yeah, the nature is oozing so much pheromone they make my nose tickle.

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