"It's Egon!" I called. 

"It is?" Egon asked, his voice sounding pleased. 

"Yes," Peter told him. "How do we get him down?" 

"Like this," I answered and let the stream go off at the end. The goo fell and made a protective lair for Egon's body to fall on. I took the jar of pink smoke and opened it next to Egon. The smoke went into his body, and Egon's eyes opened. He sat up and smiled at us. 

"Now let's hurry," he said taking the bag that held Natalie's soul in it. "We don't have much time to get Natalie back into her body." 

"Yeah Natalie wants her body back," she spoke up. Egon placed it over his pack like I did and carried her down the cave. We saw even more of those drops, but none of them had the blond hair in a pony tail, the purple glasses. We saw eleven in total, counting Egon's. 

"Where is it?" Egon asked looking down at all of them, making sure we didn't miss one. "We don't have much time." 

"It has to be here somewhere Egon," I told him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "We'll find it." 

"What if we don't find it in time?" 

"Then Natalie will make a good desk weight," Peter laughed. 

"Peter!" Natalie cried, sounding upset. "This isn't funny! I don't want to be trapped like this." 

"You won't be," Winston told her. 

"I hope not." 

"Hey!" I cried looking up. "There she is!" 

"You found me?" she asked, her voice sounding very happy. 

"Yes," Peter told her, but then a loud laugh filled the room. Donanja come out of no where, and blocked the path to Natalie's body. 

"Do you think I would just let you take both of their bodies?" he asked us. "The girl will be staying with me." 

"Why?" Egon asked him, the anger in his voice clear has he pushed the bag with Natalie in it more behind him. 

"I think it would be nice to have a female to my collation. Haven't you noticed all the people are men? You can keep his soul, but I will be keeping the girl's." 

"No you won't!" I cried and hit him with a stream. He cried out in pain, and Peter shoot Natalie's body down, then shoot Donanja with me, has did Winston. Egon ran to Natalie body, and placed the jar close to her. He opened it, and the smoke went in, and she sat up opening her eyes. Egon threw the trap under the ghost, and in a zap he was gone. 

"Are you okay Natalie?" Egon asked helping her up. 

"Thanks to you guys," she said holding both the empty jars. "Anybody need two jars?" 

"I'll take those," Winston said. "Maybe we will need to trap both of your souls in there again." 

"Don't even kid about it," she laughed pushing him with her arm. The ground shock beneath us, and a stone fell. "Now let's run!" 

We didn't argue. We made a strong run to the rope, seeing the people in the drops being free. The pool was also gone, and we made our way out of it. Once on the second floor, the trap door was gone. We watched has the work of Donanja was cleaned, and we smiled at each other. 

"I now know one thing," Natalie said looking at us has we placed our packs in the car. 

"What?" Peter asked her. 

"This wasn't worth just one ghost," she said looking through the jar. We all laughed at her, and she smiled. I don't know what we would do without Natalie Spengler. 

So I'm not really going to talk much on the book. I want to take this time to talk about the death of Harold Ramis. Has many know, or maybe not, Ramis was one of my few favorite directors and actors. He know how to make a good story with a meaning behind the story. He gave us wonderful movies like Caddyshack, Stripes, Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, and so many more. He inspired some of today's writers. He took a joy in his work, but the live of Hollywood never got to him, and he stayed in his Chicago ways. He had a wife and three children, grandchildren, and a nation filled with fans. He is the man who wrote so many movie quotes that you could just name off at a notice. He showed us what living a day over and over again would be like, what being in the army is, how you can catch a ghost, and so many more. In the words of Bill Murray, Ramis left his mark on the world and earned his keep. Now he is finally getting the answers he wanted. So this whole book is now in the memory of Ramis and what he has done. I hope that he is smiling up in Haven knowing that people are remembering him this way and that he will be missed dearly. Rest in peace Ramis, and I hope that this book does you proud and doesn't make you roll in your grave, has any book or movie based off your work does. 

Picture of the great man on the side. Peace out my Stars. 

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