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roaring parties, filled to the point of overcrowding with sweaty mingled bodies. that summed up the 20s accurately for the average personnel.

for me, it was slightly different. i preferred to keep to myself, hiding in the depths of my adored astronomy work.

as the youngest sister to porpentina and queenie goldstein, not much was expected of me.

tina had her drive and ambition to work for the magical congress, and queenie had her legilimency.

i lacked in the extroverted department. unlike queenie, i did not purposely put myself out there, nor was i like tina who wouldn't let anything stand in her way. i had my limits.

although my love for astronomy and cosmology took up most of my free time, i worked as a regular printer for spell books and sorts.

my average day dragged like a heavy, overly-soggy boot through sand. seconds felt like hours and hours felt like weeks.

the only highlight of my day would be going home to see the smiles on my two sisters faces.

they adored me, and in return i adored them. that's how it has always been, and that's how it will stay.

most of the women, including my sisters, in this decade had decided to maintain their locks short.

i opted for longer hair, i was too afraid to try something new. i definitely didn't want to be apart of a crowd, i wanted to be my own person.

those simple facts contradicted themselves, a lot. i just wanted to be original, in the least obvious way.

apart from when i wasn't at work, i usually wore a dark wig. it helped me fit in with the rest of the women and didn't arise any questions within the no-maj community.

midway through my walk home, i was knocked over by thin air. i looked around me to see nothing but a floating lollipop -half bitten and speeding down the pavement slabs.

"madness." i muttered to myself, re-adjusting my wig and finding my footing before people began to stare.

i roughly shoved my battered key into the lock of my apartment door. ignoring the constant questions of mrs. esposito from downstairs every time i made noise.

"queenie, i'm home!" my wavering voice entered the apartment before i did.

four heads turned to look at me all at once. queenie was the first to smile, followed by a reddish-brown haired man who had a faint smile on his fair lips.

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