I do.

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--Your POV--

Olivia ran in circles around me, making finishing touches to my dress.  Mallow was preparing the basket for the flower girl, and Lana was washing my pearl necklace.  Lillie had come, and she even brought Lusamine with her, and Lillie was doing my hair as Lusamine was making small adjustments to my veil.  "I'm so glad you could make it Lusamine!"  "Oh honey!  I'm glad you invited me!  Gladion wasn't too hot on the idea though."  "I know, but I talked him into it.  You're his mother anyways!"  Olivia stood up, and glared at me "Stop moving (Y/N)!  I can't fix your dress if you keep moving!"  "Sorry Olivia... how's my hair going, Lillie?"  "I'm almost done!  Don't worry!"  "(Y/N)..."  Lana walked up in front of me "Your pearls are clean and polished."  She put them around my neck, and they glistened in the light.  "And... there!  Your hair is all done!"  Lillie stepped away, and wheeled the mirror over to me.  My hair was in a bun-like thing, but it was braided.  Lusamine stepped away "And I'm happy to say that your veil is adjusted, and ready to go!"  Mallow walked up, and showed me the flower basket "And the flower basket is filled with the finest flowers in all of Alola!"  Olivia sighed "Well, it took a while, but your dress is done!"  "You all really are the best!  Thank you so much!  Now... let's get you all in your dresses!"

--Gladion's POV--

Kiawe was actually wearing a shirt for the first time in forever.  "Kiawe, I never thought I'd see the day that you would wear a shirt."  Kiawe sighed "I know... I don't like wearing it though."  He pulled at the collar, and Hau glared at me "Gladion!  If you keep moving, I won't be able to sort out your tux!"  I rolled my eyes, and watched Guzma, fixing his hair "Hey G, when are you going to do MY hair?"  "Once I'm done aight?"  I sighed, and Hau stood up in front of me, and fixed my bow tie.  He put his hands on my shoulders "Alright your tux is all done!"  Guzma walked over to me with hair gel.  He ran his hands through my hair, getting it out of my face.

  He ran his hands through my hair, getting it out of my face

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(Hair kinda like this.  And can we just appreciate this pic cause MY GOD)

"I don't like this..."  I raised a hand to touch my hair, but Guzma smacked it "The crap man?"  I hissed at him "You TRYIN' to mess up my handy work?"  I rolled my eyes, and Guzma walked away.  Kukui walked in, and he too was actually wearing a PROPER shirt.  "The ladies are ready, and all the guests have arrived.  We can start whenever, woo!"  I took a deep breath "Go tell the girls.  We're starting now, cause we're all ready too."  Kukui nodded and walked over to the room where the girls were to talk to them.  I walked outside, and stood up on the platform.  Hala was our speaker, so we talked for a few minutes until the music started.  Everyone turned their attention to the door as it opened.  

Lillie and Hau walked out, arm in arm, and were followed by Kiawe and Mallow, then Lana and Sophacles.  Finally, I saw (Y/N) walk out, arm in arm with Kukui because she didn't have a father to walk down the isle with her.  (Y/N) looked BEAUTIFUL.  Her (E/C) eyes sparkled in the light, and I blushed as she stood next to me. 

--Time skip to when Hala is done with his shpeal--

"So, without further ado, do you, Gladion, take (Y/N) to be your wife?  Do you promise to care for her in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"  "I do."  Hala turned to (Y/N) "And (Y/N), do you take Gladion to be your husband?  Do you promise to care for him in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"  "I do."  I smiled.  "In that case, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may now kiss the bride."  I grabbed (Y/N) and bent her down, kissing her passionately.  Everyone cheered, and Guzma yelled "YEAH!  THAT'S MY BOI!"  I laughed, and we walked down the isle, to the car that would take us back home.  We got in the car, and headed home.

(A/N)- Hmm... where should their honeymoon be?  Let me know what you think in the comments!

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