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Daiki yawned into his hand as he walked to school. He adorned the Rikkaidai school uniform, a white dress shirt with blue tie striped white and navy blue pants. Around him, the other students that were arriving at school were gossiping to their friends about the tennis team. The girls, for the most part, were talking excitedly about their favorite player meanwhile the boys were talking about their aspiration to be on the team.

Idiots. Tennis isn't that easy and if the regulars are as good as they are believed to be, there's probably a lot of competition in the club because everyone else also wants to be a regular, Daiki thought as he walked past a group of chattering students.

He looked around but did not see the office. Deciding to play it safe, Daiki went over to the nearest student. The student looked a couple years older with brown hair and closed eyes.

I wonder if his eyes ever open. "Excuse me, but do you know where the office is?" Daiki asked politely.

"I do. Walk around that hall and maybe you'll find it," The soft-spoken senpai said.

Daiki sweatdropped. "Thank you," Daiki said as he bowed. Why couldn't he just tell me where it was?

The blonde followed the elder's advice and found the office quickly. He smirked thinking of the senpai. I see...he wanted me to figure out where it was on my own. How cruel.

Daiki went over to the front desk. "I'm sorry to bother you, but can I have my schedule please?"

The stern-looking lady looked up at him and inspected him from top to bottom. "Ms, why are you wearing the boys uniform?"

Internally crying for being mistaken as a girl, Daiki quickly explained, "I'm actually not a girl. I'm a boy."

The lady looked at him again before blushing. "I'm sorry! What's your name and I'll print out your schedule."

"Yoshida Daiki."

"Here," She said as she handed me the paper.

"Thank you," Daiki said as he walked away to find his classroom.

Taking a deep breath, he entered and walked to the back. Although his back was facing the classroom, he could keep several stares on his back. Whispers starting around him:

"Who's that?"

"Why is a girl wearing the boys uniform?"

"She seems cold."

"At least she has good looks."

Deciding that he heard enough, Daiki took out his book and began to read. Even when the teacher came, Daiki still was reading. His first subject was math and Daiki was horrifyingly horrendous at it and gave up years ago. Class went on peacefully for Daiki since the teacher did not notice him in the back.

School went by rather quickly and by the end of it, he already created a reputation for himself. He was known as 'The cold beauty'. Daiki mentally laughed at the nickname. They all think I'm a girl.

Daiki walked over to the tennis courts. Unlike most schools where freshman sign up and do drills for the rest of the year, Rikkaidai forced everyone to sign up again every year and allowed freshman to join in the ranking tournament. Rikkaidai wanted the best of the best and that meant every player should have to right to show off their ability and hopefully make it to where they want to go.

When Daiki made it to the registration table, he was shoved back.

"What do you think you're doing here girl? This is only for boys that want to join the tennis club. The girls are over there," An obnoxious senpai told him pointing to the direction of the girls.

"I'm a boy, senpai," Daiki said as he walked around the boy.

Daiki signed up before getting ready to leave. A hand on his shoulder stopped him. The boy he met before was glaring at him.

"If you're a boy, then a play a match with me!"

"Tch...so annoying," Daiki said as he glared at the senpai. "I'd play a match with you, but I don't think we're allowed to use the courts."

"So I guess you really are a girl then!"

"Look...I'm actually a boy. If you really needed proof, I could just take off my pants."

The senpai blushed before glaring again. "Shut up! Play a match with me!"

Daiki looked around and saw the senpai he saw earlier. "Senpai, are we allowed to have a match?"

"If you're not caught," The boy said as he went back to reading.

Daiki sighed. "I guess I'll play with you."

The two went over to the tennis court.

"Heh, there's no way a shrimp like you could win. I bet you'll just cry when you lose, girl," The elder taunted.

"Rough or smooth?" Daiki asked. Not only is he calling me a girl, he's mocking my height? He's going down.

"I'll let you serve. You'll probably need it."

Daiki bounced the ball a couple of times before serving the ball. The sound of the ball hitting the ground echoed throughout the tennis courts. The senpai looked at Daiki surprised.

"You know, I truthfully hate guys that are all bark but no bite," Daiki said smirking. "They always seem to think they have some sort of talent, yet, they're the easiest to beat."

"You brat!"

The game continued with Daiki gaining points. Four minutes later, the game was over.

"That was truthfully a pitiful game. Senpai, I only used the basics in that game. Next time you challenge me, make sure you can actually play."

"What is going on here?" A voice demanded.

Daiki looked up to see a male, who looked older than most middle schoolers, wearing a cap to hide his black hair, brown eyes and a stoic expression.

"Yoichi challenged that freshman to a match," A senpai answered.

"What was the score?"

"6-0. The freshman beat Yoichi in less than five minutes," The senpai with closed eyes answered.

The stoic man walked over to Daiki's opponent and slapped him. "Losing is not an option in Rikkaidai! For not following the rules and for losing, you are to leave the tennis club immediately."

Yoichi looked shocked before looking at Daiki angrily. "What about that punk? He was my opponent!"

"He's a freshman so I'm going to leave him with a warning. Also, he was the winner in this match. If he had lost, he'd be in the same situation you're in right now."

After that, practice started for the regulars. Everyone else was allowed to leave; however, Daiki decided to stay and observe the regulars. The one with the closed eyes, he learned, was Yanagi Renji, a member of the three demons alongside Sanada Genichiro, the vice-captain and the one who kicked out Yoichi, and finally, Yukimura Seiichi, the captain. All of them were definitely forces to be reckoned with and made Daiki feel giddy just thinking about playing them. The other regulars, Yagyū Hiroshi, Niō Masaharu, Marui Bunta, Jackal Kuwahara, and Kirihara Akaya, weren't as good as the others, but still were more powerful and amusing to watch than any other players Daiki had watched play, with the exception of Echizen Ryoma and Kevin. For once, Daiki was happy that he moved.

First chapter completed! 

Vote who you want Daiki to be paired with!

Yukimura Seiichi Sanada Genichirō Yanagi Renji Yagyū HiroshiNiō MasaharuMarui BuntaJackal KuwaharaKirihara AkayaOr, if you don't want any of these people, put in the comments who you do want

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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