Character Description

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Basic Information

Name: Yoshida Daiki

Name In Kanji: 吉田大貴

Name Meaning: Yoshida means "lucky rice field" and Daiki means "great value"

Nickname(s): Dai-chan, Yoshi, Mon trésor (My treasure in french)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 12

Birthday: May 6

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Height: 150 cm (4'9")

Weight: 47 kg (103 lb)

Blood Type: A

Looks: Daiki, to his horror inherited almost all of his looks from his mother. With shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and a feminine-like face, Daiki is mistaken as a girl a lot. While in school, Daiki wears glasses, but, outside of school and while playing tennis, he opts to wear contacts.

About Him/Her

Personality: Daiki, at first might seem blunt; however, once you get to know him, you will see his rather cheerful and teasing personality. For his own amusement, Daiki enjoys making his opponents flustered or as annoyed as possible. He also is determined to be the best tennis player he can be - even if it means he has to go past his limits. Daiki is extremely loyal to his friends, even considering them as his family.

Like(s): Lollipops, being as annoying as possible, tennis, winning, books

Dislike(s): People teasing him about his height/looks, spicy food, math

Hobbies: Playing tennis, reading challenging books, and annoying his teachers

Fear(s): Losing someone precious to him, bugs, thunder and lightning

Strength(s): Learning languages, uplifting personality

Weakness(es): Cooking, little children

Dream: To become a professional tennis player


Parents: Yoshida Rose (Mother - French) Yoshida Teshima (Father - American raised Japanese)

Relatives: Rose's relatives live in France and Teshima's relatives live in Japan and America

Pets: A dog named Rififi ("trouble" in French).

School Information

School: Rikkaidai

Year: 1st year

Class/Number: 1-3

Worst School Subject: Math

Best School Subject: English and History

Tennis Information

Playing Style: All Rounder

Dominant Hand: Right

Techniques: While playing tennis, Daiki will use his personality to either intimidate the other player or get them riled up. His true technique is called Henka Suru ("change" in Japanese). While using Henka Suru, Daiki is able to adapt to any tennis style and techniques while also being able to find weaknesses in other's techniques. Using Henka Suru makes the body and mind become tired easily and finding weaknesses in technique takes a lot of concentration and can lose a significant amount of services.

Tennis Shoe Brand: Adidas

Racket Brand: Babolat AeroPro Drive


Favorite Food (s): Lollipops and burgers

Favorite Color (s): Gray, blue, white, and black

Favorite Music: A variety of different genres

Extra Information:

Girl/Boy Type: Girl - someone that can see past his looks and doesn't mind his teasing Boy - someone that is kind and loving yet also prideful and powerful


Daiki was originally born in Japan before moving to America at age three. When he was eight years old, he met Ryoma at a tennis competition. The two tied their match and their long-going rivalry and friendship started. A year later, Daiki met Kevin and the two shared a similar relationship to the one he had with Ryoma. Kevin seemed more like a brother to Daiki; however, and the two ended up becoming close. When Daiki turned eleven, he was forced to leave America to go the France and spent a year there with his mother's relatives. At twelve, he moved to Japan.

So that's Daiki's description! For anyone confused, Ryoma and Kevin do not know each other personally. Daiki is friends with both of them separately.

Vote who you want Daiki to be paired with!

Yukimura Seiichi Sanada Genichirō Yanagi Renji Yagyū HiroshiNiō MasaharuMarui BuntaJackal KuwaharaKirihara AkayaOr, if you don't want any of these people, put in the comments who you do want

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