Chapter 1

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Lexi's POV

I heard the sirens blaring, signaling another crime was committed. In this case, another robbery was committed.

I was running with my best-friend, Rissa, we couldn't afford to be caught. We got a hold of about $400, & we had no intentions of giving it back. Life was hard when you're a run-away.

Yeah, we ran-away. We were about 11, so what? We had a bad past and I'm trying to forget it.

I was running, the wind was blowing my red, curly hair in my face. I saw the colorful bright lights of the cop cars, I felt my blood bumping. My heart was jumping out of my chest.

And that's what I lived for. I lived for a thrill, & who better to share that thrill with me than Rissa? She's like my twin.

Don't go looking for us, we'll only bring you trouble ... Like now for instance.

"Get in the ally!" Rissa shouted at me.

"I'm coming!" I said breathing heavily as I struggled with the bag containing the money.

As soon as I caught up with her, we saw that cops were at the other end.

"Damn it." I muttered under my breath.

"Get in there!" Rissa said as she pointed to a green dumpster.

I climbed in followed by Rissa. I held my breath when the cops were standing in front of it. They were starting to look threw the trash on top of us when the others called them over.

They got word that we might be in the next block over.

As soon as the cops left, me & Rissa jumped out of the dumpster. Gasping for breath, I smiled at our success.

"Girl, we were the bomb!" I said while fist-pumping Rissa.

She smiled and said, "As always, did you expect anything less?"

We've gotten away with bigger things, this was surprisingly easy to pull off. The biggest heist we pulled off? We jacked some diamonds a while back ... But that's a story for another day.

"Let's go!" I said while pulling her out of the dark ally.

We walked past the convenience store we robbed and into the junkyard. Sure, it might be shabby, but me & Rissa aren't picky. We try to keep a low-profile. We walked around until we found our beatin-up, rusted car. We climbed inside & counted the amount if cash we scored.

"Bro, this is SICK! We haven't gotten this much in weeks!" I said as I happily clasped my hands together and rested them behind my head and leaned into the ripped seat.

"I guess we'll be doing some shopping tomorrow!" Rissa said as she clapped her hands giddily.

"We do need more clothes, and more food. Our supplies is running out!" I said, examining what was left of food at the back of our car.

A couple of twinkies, some canned corn & beans, & our water bottles. I recently lost our can-opener, so I guess Twinkies was dinner tonight.

"Looks like we'll be satisfied with sugar tonight." I grinned.

Rissa got a Twinkie & we ate happily. The money was little compared to what we're used to taking, but it's sufficient enough to keep ourselves "in-the-crowd" for now. We don't want to stand out, being run-aways AND wanted criminals.

I'm actually surprised the police haven't found us yet; but it's amazing what a haircut & makeup can do.

When we ran away both me & Rissa got a pixie cut & dressed like guys. We didn't want to be found. But after we let our hair grow back we had to put on pounds of make-up to disguise ourselves. It's pretty hard to look like someone else when we have limited supplies.

Anyways, we've lived on street for a long time now, we know how to survive in society without attracting attention to ourselves.

Rissa snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Lexi, let's hit the sack." She said as she yawned.

"Yeah, sure." I said and laid back.

You might think one crappy car was too small & uncomfortable for 2 people, but this old car doesn't even make top ten in our list of "the worst places we've slept in".

Tomorrow we were going to shop for clothes & food (& obviously more make-up). This should be interesting.

That was my last thought before I dazed off into a deep sleep.

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