"What'd you find?"he questioned.

"How did you know I found anything?"Hayley turned to him.

"This was where you wanted to be,"Ezekiel said.

"This is one step closer to everything you've been looking for,"he turned toward the waters.

"I think my actual name was Alana Labonair,"she said after a moment of silence.

"I still don't know what the birthmark on my shoulder means but this could finally be it,"she glanced around the Bayou at the abandoned tents and hanging clothes.

"If your family is here, Hayley... I can't let you stay out here,"Ezekiel said.

"You're pregnant and you and the baby would be safer with us."

Hayley heaved out a sigh.

Elijah glanced up at Andrea with his head resting on her leg as she wiped away the cold sweat on his face. She gave him a small smile.

"You almost scared me,"she said.

"Forgive me,"Elijah sat up and turned to her.

"How are you feeling?"she questioned.

His skin was finally regaining its colour and he sat up taller now.

"Better,"he said.

He glanced out the door where Ezekiel and Hayley were talking.

"There was a woman,"Hayley said.

"I kept seeing her around but she kept running,"she frowned.

Ezekiel glanced into the house.

"Let's go find her,"he shrugged.

"Right now? What about Andie?"she questioned.

Ezekiel laid his eyes on Elijah and Andrea as they talked, with his brother finally back to being the Original vampire he always was.

"She'll be fine,"he reassured.

Hayley and Ezekiel trudged their way through the trees, eyes glancing left and right in search of the girl Hayley saw.

"Something's changed between you and Andie,"she spoke.

He scoffed and shrugged.

"It was bound to happen from the beginning,"he said.

"I love my little girl,"his lips curled at the memory of Aster's heartbeat against his ear.

"And I'm grateful for her being by my side... But I know it's different with Elijah."

Ezekiel reached a hand out to stop her as his ear perked at the sound of footsteps on the ground. He turned around and moved Hayley behind him.

"It's her,"Hayley grabbed his arm to stop him from doing any harm.

"She's the one."

"I know you must have many questions for me,"the girl said.

"Yeah, I do. Questions like who are you? Why are you following me? Where the hell is everyone? And if the people in that book are really my family, what happened to them?"Hayley bombarded her.

"Maybe give her one question at a time,"Ezekiel turned to her.

"I'm Eve... I'm following you because you brought two Originals to a werewolf country which is pretty much the same reason why everybody else skedaddled,"Eve said.

"Marcel happened."

"What did he do?"Hayley cautiously stepped out from behind Ezekiel and he glared at her.

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