(Part Two ) Chapter Ten

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Narrator POV

It's been six months since the death of both August and Smilez brothers. August was having a hard time accepting the fact that his brother was really gone. August was following what his brother wanted him to do. He didn't tell Smilez that he took over his brother part in the organization. August has been contemplating on whether he should tell her or not. He has a tough decision to make but he would come to that at a later date....


Its been six months since everything happened and I'm still confused about it. I know Tremaine is dead but August didn't mentioned my mother. Sadly I wished she was still here with me. I moved back into the old house since it was paid in full. August and Lialih mom come by and check on me from time to time. I spend my days at school, my afternoons with August and my nights at my house.

I never in a million years would I had thought August and I would be together. Things between us is good I can't complain. Its just now that we been together for about five months August wants to move things to the next level. I'm not sure how I feel about that just yet. i just need a little more time. I know eventually its going to happened but I'm not rushing it.

I just got out the shower and was getting dressed when Aug called me...

"Hey babe wassup"

"Nothing just finished my homework but I'm hungry. Babe did you cooked"

"I have baked ziti in the oven now just waiting for the cheese to melt"


"August did you hear me"


I looked at my phone the line was still open but he wasn't saying anything. I hung up and went downstairs to check on the food. August was walking in the house with a plastic container and a duffle bag.

"Really babe I have plates here you know"

"I know that this is for my lunch tomorrow. You ever heard of leftovers".

"Okay that explains the container but wassup with the duffel bag"

"I'm spending the night since my mom is at her boyfriend house tonight. You know I can't sleep in that house by myself"

"Oh yeah I'm sorry I asked" I went and gave him a hug. I've been trying to forget about that night but I still have nightmares. August and his brother were more than brothers they were best friends. I had to change the subject quick before we start crying like always.

"Well the food is ready, can you set the table babe"

"Sure" He placed his bag on the couch and then came in the kitchen. I bent over so I can pick up the dishcloth off the floor. I felt August and his Aug Jr pressed against me. I jumped a little and said...

"I don't think this is what I meant by setting the table".

"I set the table already I'm just enjoying the view right now".

I stood up and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He squeezed my waist tightly while kissing on my neck. He knew damn well that was my spot. I let out a soft moan as he hand slid down to my thighs. My inner thighs were my spots to this boy know damn well I get weak in the knees from him rubbing my thighs. He whispered in my ear

"Let's have a little fun tonight"

"Babe I thought you were hungry" I said slowly trying to catch my breath since his hands was getting closer to my 'sunshine'.

"Oh I'm hungry but not for any food" he said while rubbing 'her' through my shorts. I needed to remain strong but August wouldn't let up. I know he was tired of the teasing and hell so was I but sex can wait.

"Well as tempting as this is... Not right now babe. Grab us some soda from the fridge please". I said while walking over to table carrying the pan of baked ziti. He just stood there like I didn't ask him anything. He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't. I went in the fridge to grab us some soda and August pushed pass me and left.


I chased after him once he left and he didn't look back when I kept calling his name.

"August seriously you going to act like you don't hear me calling you".

I wasn't going to run after him so I just stood at the end of my yard. He slammed his door and I just stood there. I'm use to this by now so I just waiting for him to come out like he usually do; but he didn't. I walked back in the house and put the food away I lost my desire to eat. I know sex is important to a man but damn if he really love me why can't he wait.

I ended up watching South Park until I fell asleep on the couch. I didn't set a alarm when I woke up it was seven o'clock. I had literally twenty minutes to get ready and head out. August and I usually ride to school together so I needed to hurry. After I showered and got dressed and left out the house. I seen Tony car out front so August was going to school with him. I felt a certain kind of way but I brushed it off. I got in my car and went to school.

It was lunch time and I haven't seen August all day. I walked in the cafeteria with Lialih but he was no where to be found. I had to run to my locker for my wallet so I can pay for lunch. When I was walking to my locker I seen August talking with Tony. I walked over and said

"Wassup Tony, do you mind if I steal August away for a moment"

"Nah you good Smilez I'm bout to go get some food anyways"

He was about to walk off but August stopped him saying

"Yeah mayne let's go get some food"

He really was going to act like I wasn't standing there talking to him. I heard Tony say

"Yo you tripping your girl is standing there talking to you"

"Naw she ain't my girl no more"

When I heard that my heart just fell out my chest. My heart just kept rolling and rolling until someone kicked it down the hall. I wanted to punch him in the face so bad but I couldn't. My body was numb and tears was falling from my eyes. I didn't want to cry but they kept on coming down. I couldn't face him for another minute I grabbed my bag and left school. I sat in the car for at least an hour before I could actually drive off.

When I pulled up to the house I slowly got out and walked inside. I felt like a piece of me had died when he said those words. They kept replaying over and over in my head.

  "Naw She Ain't My Girl No More"

________End of Chapter Ten


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