Chapter Two

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_____Monday Morning

I was dreaded getting up this morning. I have a bad feeling I'm going to see light bright and that Pillsbury's dough boy again. My brother was driving me to school on his way to work. I need to get up and start getting ready before he leaves me. After a quick shower I got dressed and headed downstairs. My mother is what you call a career woman so she doesn't have time to cook. So I just grabbed a cereal bar and a box of juice. She handed me a twenty dollar bill so I can buy lunch and dinner. I gave her a kiss and ran to my brother's car. I glanced over and seen him walking down the street with a different boy. I quickly covered my face as we drove past him.

"I see somebody has a crush" my brother asked.

"More like hate I can't stand that boy".

"He didn't try anything did he"

"Oh nothing serious Trey calm down".

I didn't like him but not enough to have my brother beat him up. We pulled up to Grand Street Campus and I started shaking. I don't know why I was so scared but I was. I walked into the building looking for the main office. After ten minutes I found it and went inside to pick up my schedule. I got my schedule and locker combination. Now it was time to find my classes before school started in twenty minutes. I didn't want to look like a damn tourist up in this school. I just noticed the school wasn't that big so all my classes was pretty close together. I just had to go downstairs for lunch and gym. I went to my locker and put in my book bag and took out a book and pen. I walked to my first class and sat in the middle of the room.

The day went by pretty fast I met a girl name Lialih. She is mad cool she lives in my neighborhood also. I can see us becoming fast friends unlike that light bright boy. I walked into the lunch room with Lialih and seen him!!! I can't believe this boy go to this school also. I know damn well it's other schools around here. I walked quickly to the lunch line and stood there trying not to be noticed. I ordered my food and went to sit next to lialih. I looked over and she was sitting with that boy and his friend. I looked around to find another table but they were all full. I was just about to stand by the window and eat my lunch. I didn't have the energy to deal with the bull.

"Hey Smilez over here" Lialih said

I walked slowly over to the table when he looked at me I quickly turned to Lialih.

"Okay so August this is Smilez, Smilez this is August".

"Hey" I said dryly.

"Wassup ma" he said smiling while his friend started laughing.

"Do you have a giggling problem or something. You always laughing and nothing be funny"

"Look here little girl don't get slapped. I laugh because I see something funny and its you" his friend said.

"First off don't get crazy because I would stabbed you in the throat. I don't understand why you always jumping into situations that don't include you. If you want beef then bring it on honey boo boo".

Everybody started laughing when I called him honey boo boo. I chuckled myself because lately I've been hella funny. He just rolled his eyes and got up from the table. August was still laughing but he was looking at me weirdly. I guess Lialih noticed also because she said.

"August why the hell you looking at her like that".

"No reason I'm just trying to figured out where I know this girl from".

" Oh hell no you FUCKING bastard don't start. You the fuck boy who got me in trouble plus you ruined my shirt with your ice cream".

I realized I was causing a scene so I just walked out before I started crying. I hated that boy so much it wasn't funny. I don't know why i let him get to me like this.


"August what was all that about. You met her prior to today".

"Yeah she's my next door neighbor. I guess she was pissed off because I act like I didn't know her. I was about to kiss her but Tony came to the door. I didn't want him to think I liked her or something. As you can tell she isn't the type of girl I usually date".

"August when are you going to realized looks isn't everything. I don't see any thing wrong with her. So she is a little thicker in the waist area so what. You keep letting your friends run your life you going to be miserable".

"Oh Lialih stop watching Oprah. It's not even that deep it's not like I'm in love with her. I just enjoy picking on her its fun".

"Right that's the reason why you do it. Im going to find her and you go find butt head".

"Ard Mayne".

We both walked out the lunch room to find our friends. August is my best friend but he can be a complete ass sometimes. I remembered she was telling me about fighting some light skinned dude. I just didn't know it was August skinny ass.

I seen her standing by her locker and walked over to her.

"You good Smilez"

"Yeah I'm good, I hate the fact I let him take me out of character. I really want to fight his dough boy friend tho" she said laughing.

"You a trip girl but August isn't bad once you get to know him. August is a sweet heart when no one is watching. When he's around dough boy I mean Tony; he's a jackass".

"Ohh so his name is Tony that's good to know".

"That's all you got from what I just said" I said laughing.

"Pretty much but I'll call you later my brother is outside waiting for me".

"Okay girlie I'll stop by later on because I have a project with August".

"Oh well come without him lol".

We both laughed and went our separate ways.

_______End of Chapter Two

❤❤❤Smilez ❤❤❤

Why Won't You Love Me? {August Alsina Story} CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now