Chapter~3~~Sweet Memories

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  Reaching my apartment,i parked my car. Walked up to my front door to find a letter, sticking out from under the door.

Out of curiosity and wondering who might have sent it, I picked it up and unlocked the door, to be welcomed by my beautiful pet Cherry.

Thinking back to how I came to meet Cherry, I still feel happy whenever the memory comes to my mind, not once did I ever regretted leaving my home that day to go for a walk around the block. 


I walked down the alley, thankful that it was not deserted, I really loved my neighborhood.

Though it was not deserted, but i was thankful for the quietness it seemed to hold so much today. The day at work was hectic. One of those days when I had to lie to Harry, or give, excuses as to why I didn't bring the manuscript to work.

Though  I had gotten away with it, I could still feel this pang of guilt in my heart when I think about it.

Brushing the thought away from my mind quickly, I was startled by the Whining of a dog or cat, I couldn't even make out which one it was.

Out of curiosity I began to walk in the direction of the sound only to find the cutest thing ever in a Ditch shivering and probably scared I was drawn to it.  But despite my being drawn to it I still decided to be careful, that was when I noticed a man, with grey hair, probably in his mid -fifties, also looking at the dog. 

   "Such a cute little thing," he said looking at me.  While I could only nod my head in approval and admiration to the dog.

"They were three in number", he continued, "Bett and I took two, but couldn't adopt this one, too many mouth to feed"  he sighed probably feeling guilt for not being able to adopt the dog.

  "Where are the owners"  I asked the man

"Don't know, just heard some whining, and found the dogs here" he explained  "I just hope we can find a home for this cute thing" he said.

  "Can I keep it" I blurted out, not thinking about what I was saying, guess I was enthralled by the dog's beauty.

"Oh" the man said, probably shocked by my question "Bless you miss"

I could only nod, as I was already picking up the cute dog that ended up being Cherry........ Sweet Memory .

Present day

I was jolted out of my daze,by a hungry Cherry. Who was jumping up and down in front of me in ecstasy, wagging it's tail.

Apparently waiting to eat and be taken out for a walk.  I actually tried to ignore Cherry for a while.

Like I said "Try" but knowing Cherry the way I do.  He is not one to give up without a fight. Just literally, not like we are  fighting actually.

Finally given into it's demand, I gave Cherry it's doggy bag and decided to have a snack my self, then have a nice rest. After which I will take Chery out for a walk.

  I hadn't even finish my snack before  I started drifting off to sleep.

Not wanting to fall asleep on the kitchen island, I grudgingly walked into my room, got into the shower, and took the quickest shower of my life. Actually the second quickest shower of my life.

The first one was still fresh in my memory.  It  was when I had English exam in college, to Cut the long story short I woke up pretty late, having studied through out the entire night, I slept by five in the morning, when my exam was seven o'clock.

I woke up around seven thirty only to discover I was thirty minutes late. I dashed into the bathroom In less than three seconds, have showered, brushed.

Dressed in less than five seconds, if you are probably wondering about my hair, I just threw a cap on that I found in my car.

Still wondering how I didn't get a ticket that day because of the way I was driving.

I could only conclude that God was really looking out for me, I barely got in Just as the doors were about to be shut, the invigilator gave me a disapproving look. But in the end it was all worth it because I had an "A1" in the exam.

Snapping back to reality I quickly changed my short into a short and a really light yellow top, then crashed into bed.

I woke up much later in the evening, stretched my self, looked at the wall clock, and realized I slept for three hours, seeing it was five o'clock in the evening.

I quickly changed and decided to go on that walk with cherry, walking into my sitting room, I spotted the letter from earlier on my armrest and decided to just read it when I got back from the walk with Cherry.

Today's evening breeze, was actually cool and not chilly thankfully.

I nodded my head, in response to the various greetings that was sent my name.  Well it looks like the whole of New York City is actually taking their dogs on walks this evening.

Don't mind my exaggerations, but to be frank, more than half of the block is out now. Which is kind of weird to me. 

I decided to quicken my pace, why, let me just go into this real quick. There is this guy in my area, who seems to know when am taking Cherry out for a walk, as if he has a satellite or something. And just appears by my side out of nowhere, I mean it's creepy, I seriously think he is a stalker.  A handsome stalker.

Don't get me wrong, I only know he is handsome, because I got to check out who is stalking me.

Snapping out of my thoughts I almost breathed a sigh of relief, seeing as I was now far away from the neighborhood, which in other words means, about to get away from my creepy stalker.

Thanking God, I released the breath I was holding, as my stalker was no where in sight.  Thank God.

I had already spent an hour on the walk.  I decided to head back home, to prepare dinner.

When this feeling came over me, that am not supposed to go to work but work on my manuscript. I nearly cried there on the road.

With my heart in my hands, I walked back home dejectedly.

Author's note

Awwww.....sweet Tori, my heart is breaking for her.

So how do you guy's like this chapter. I would love to hear from you guys, so please do comment.

Haaaaa....dont go yet, why not click that little star button and show AWB some love.

And of course put a smile on Me your write face.  So long.... Dear readers .

treaz_jade out

This chapter is dedicated to jawkei. Your comments give me life, hope you loved this chapter.

A Writer's Block Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt