Chapter 12: Computer Genius!

Start from the beginning

Real World!
     There's a big white house in the middle of nowhere by a lake. Lily parked the car by the lake and they both got out. "How do we get past this big lake? How does Ms. Gold get past this big lake everyday?" Rachel asked confused. Lily bent down to the lake and there were big boulders across the lake. She put her hand in the water and swirled it around and then sher laid the palm of her hand on the first wet boulder. Lily stood back up and flung her wet hand to get it dry again. "We jump on the boulders to get through." Lily replied. "But they're too slippery." Rachel stated. "Maybe. Maybe not. It's a challenge all right, and I could use a good challenge." Lily stated. "Then let's do it, carefully." Rachel stated and Lily nodded in agreement. Lily carefully stepped on the first boulder and started jumping from one to another. Rachel carefully followed until they both made it to the other side of the lake.
    Jessica sat at her office in the small law firm, since this is a small town, it doesn't need a big one. She was signing papers when there was a knock. "Come in!" Jessica exclaimed and a muscular man walked in. "Jess." Tommy stated. "Tom, did you give the sheriff and deputy the search warrant?" Jessica asked. "Of course, it is Ms. Gold we're dealing with. She is surely something else." Tom stated and Jillian laughed. "That's for sure." Jillian agreed. "Are you still coming to my place for dinner?" Tommy asked. Jessica stopped what she was doing and looked up with a smile. "Of course, we ate at my place yesterday." Jessica replied and Tommy smiled. "Great." Tommy stated. "Maybe I could even stay the night." Jessica suggested as she stood up. "I would like that." Tommy agreed as Jessica walked over to him. She put her arms around his neck as he put his arms around her waist. Jessica and Tommy have been dating for a while now. "I'll see you later." Tommy stated as they split apart. "Okay." Jessica agreed with a smile and Tommy walked out as Jessica went back to her desk.

     Jillian and Humphrey was looking around the giants house. "Find anything?" Tiny asked impatiently. "Not since the last time you asked." Jillian replied and Tiny sighed. "Just be patient, she knows what she's doing." Humphrey stated and Tiny nodded. Jillian picked up a necklace and showed it to them. "I'm pretty sure this is too small to fit a giant." Jillian stated. "It's like no other necklace I have ever seen. Who does it belong to?" Humphrey asked and Jillian shrugged. "I'm not sure.... But we'll figure it out." Jillian replied as she put it in her satchel. "Then you guys better go." Tiny stated. "You're not coming?" Jillian asked confused. "No, you guys can sneak around better then I can." Tiny replied and they nodded. "Good point." Humphrey agreed as he looked away from Tiny and to Jillian. "Let's go, Humph." Jillian stated and they both left.
     Humphrey was driving the carriage as Jillian sat next to him reviewing the necklace. "What is it?" Humphrey asked as he quickly looked at her and then back to the road. "Nothing.... I just. I think I know this necklace." Or, at least the gems, or something." Jillian replied confused. "That's weird." Humphrey stated. "Yeah, it is." Jillian agreed as she looked at it. "Maybe you should take a nap, refresh your brain." Humphrey suggested and Jillian nodded. "Good idea." Jillian agreed. She laid down and closed her eyes, falling fast asleep.

Real World!
     Lily and Rachel looked all over the house, but couldn't find anything. They met back up where they started, but the door in the living room. "Nothing." Rachel stated with a sigh and
Lily sighed too. "Same here." Lily stated. "I guess.... I guess we should leave, maybe there's just nothing to find." Rachel suggested with a shrug. "I don't believe that." Lily stated. "Neither do I, but there's no other option." Rachel stated. "Then what do we do? Just give up?" Lily asked and Rachel shook her head. "No, of course not. We just wait, she always slips up at one point or another. One of these times her slip up will be so big, there's no escaping what she deserves." Rachel replied and Lily nodded. "Okay." Lily agreed as they left.
       Lily and Rachel walked into the station. Ms. Gold stood up with a smirk. She walked to the cage and looked st the two annoyed girls. "Just let her go, we can't keep her in Amy longer." Rachel stated. "Thought as much." Ms. Gold stated. Rachel threw Lily the keys and she caught them in her hand. She walked to the cage and unlocked the cage, letting Ms. Gold go. "Good day." Ms. Gold stated with a smile. "Just get out." Lily stated and Ms. Gold sighed as she walked out.

     "Jill. Be safe. I wish I can stay with you, but I can't. I'm sorry, my baby." Mrs. Beanstalk said to a five year old Jillian. "I love you, mommy. Please don't leave me." Jillian stated as she cried. Mrs. Beanstalk let a few tears fall too. "I'm sorry, but I have to." Mrs. Beanstalk stated. Mrs. Beanstalk, also known as Jamie, handed her a beautiful necklace, that looked sort of like her own. It has different gems and colors, but other then that, it's the exact same. Jamie put it around Jill's neck and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I love you, Jill." Jamie stated. "I love you too, mommy." Jillian stated and then Jamie flew on a vein from a beanstalk, which was the first time Jillian saw someone fly on a vein, which made her always do it.
      Jillian jumped as her eyes flew open. "Jill, are you okay?" Humphrey asked as he parked the carriage. "Yeah, but I know why the necklace seemed so familiar." Jillian replied as she sat up and looked at him. "Why?" Humphrey asked curiously. "Because.... Someone gave me one just like out many years ago." Jillian replied and Humphrey pushed his eyebrows together. "Who?" Humphrey asked in confusion. Jillian took a moment to answer. "My mother." Jillian replied as she held back tears. Humphrey gasped as his eyes widened.

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