Chapter 5

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We all sat on the couches and brought them together so we were sitting in a square. Ash imediatley called out that he wanted to start. "Let's see... Calum! Truth Or Dare?"

"Uhhhh dare."

"I dare you to... run up the stree, Naked, screaming "MAMA TOOK MY CLOTHES" Everyone started chuckling, even Lena. We all headed outside were Calum started to streak. Lena pushed her head onto me hiding from seeing Cal's junk. The only girl that stayed staring was, well Calum's girlfriend. He then started running up the street screaming "Mama took my clothes" A couple of my neighbors came outside and all of us ran inside while Cal was coming back down from the hill, still screaming.

"Well that was a challenge.. BUT I DID IT and Old Lady Crook whistled at me." Cal winked whilst putting his shirt back on. "Okay so Georgia, truth  or dare?"


"I dare you to... swap clothes with your boyfriend for the rest of the game." Georgia looked to Ash and Ash looked back sayaing, "I told you not to wear a tank top and a skirt.." A few minutes later they both came out of the bathroom, Georgia wearing baggy clothes, and Ash in a tight tanktop, which barely fit, and a long flowy skirt he could barely move in. "Very manly" Michael chuckled as Ash walked in.

"Very funny Cal. But any how, uhhh Lena, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to spend 10 minutes in Heaven with Luke." Lena's eyes widened, which i honesty thought they couldn't get that much bigger and beautiful, then she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the closet. In the closet we used our phones as light and we could hear the others chatting it up when we were in here.



"So i've never really kissed a guy before..."

"Wait so im gonna be your first in a stupid truth or dare game?"

"I guess..."

"You know what, no. You deserve to have your first kiss with someone you want to have your first kiss with.. So we just have to mess up our hair and wait for them to say times up" Lena messed up my hair for me because she thought i was incapapable of doing it myself. So i helped her mess up her hair and we waited. We heard them all yell times up and before i could open the door, Lena rested her hand on mine, "Thank you." She then opened the door and let herself out. I trailed along behind her closing the closet door.

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