Chapter 1

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"Lena Campbell?" She raised her hand as Mrs. Wilson asked for her... So that was her name.. Lena...

"Lena, you need to head down to guidence" She got up and trembled when she was picking up her stuff. She dropped a couple of things and i got up to help her. When she bent down our fingers touched and she quickly pulled back and stared at me with her huge brown eyes, i handed her her notebook and when she grabbed it, I saw the scars on her arms. She bolted out of the room and i got up to get back in my seat. Lena looked like a normal girl, but she was cutting? I looked over at her desk and there were a couple drops of her blood sitting there, is that what she was doing when i said hey?

The bell rang and my mates would kill me if i was late to lunch. I walked into the lunch room and i could already see Cal and Mike being surrounded by the ladies. i pulled up a chair and the girls looked at me with their hungry eyes..

"Do you ladies mind giving us some peace so we can discuss song ideas?"

The girls instantly left and stared from a distance. Michael clearly started bitching at me because the ladies had big boobs.

"Where's Ash at?" Cal had his mouth full of chips while he was talking.

"He said he couldn't make it today. The collage had a few extra lessons today and clearly Ash wanted to stay for extra credit for his first day." Michael still went on talking about the ladies and Cal and i continued laughing while he pouted.

Lena's P.O.V

"you wanted to see me Mr. Daivs?" He stared at me with his hungry eyes and imediatley got up, causing me to jump. He walked over to the door behind me and quickly locked it. He then closed the blinds of the windows causing me to start shaking.

"Take off your pants now and stay quiet Lena." He quickly took off his bat then i felt his cold hand quickly across my face. He started unbuttoning my pants and pressed his cold lips against mine, forcing his tounge in my mouth. Tears started to stream down my face, if i tried to stop this he would fail me and then there would be no way of ever leaving that shitty place called home.

~ ~ ~

"Next time learn how to obey orders." He threw all my stuff at me and i got everything in a hurry leaving his office and heading to the rest of lunch.

Of course where i always sat that new band had just moved to the table across from mine. I sat down and rested my head on my arms letting the tears stream down. Someone came over and tapped me on the shoulder, "Hey loser, can you move. Your blocking the view." I looked up and Taylor was standing there staring at me.

"GIRLS! LOOK! THE LITTLE GEEK IS CRYING. AWW POOR BABY!" Her and her crew stared at me and so did everyone else, i got up and ran out of the lunch room, sitting against the lockers, until they approached me.

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