RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 4}

Start from the beginning

You: Well, keep working on that. Time's running, Ruby

And with that, you walked down the line to see Weiss twirl Myrtanester around, and use her Glyphs to transform her ice block into a crystalline Beowolf of some sort.

You: You done?

Weiss: What do you expect?!

You: Jeez! You don't have to shout at me. If you're done, then I'll give it a 10 out of 10

Weiss: Thank you!

You walked further down the line as you scribbled Weiss' score on the clipboard you were holding, and saw Blake loading her weapon with Ice dust, and poses with her weapon, before firing, and using her Semblance to create a perfect duplicate of herself out of ice. You nodded approvingly at this. Before throwing the clipboard and pen out of the blue and hugged Blake's duplicate, which your loving Faunus of a girlfriend found it adorably cute and giggled at it. As Ruby watches these events, she throws down her tools in frustration, and begins to march away, pouting, as she speaks to herself sarcastically.

Ruby: Look at me, I use Dust! I have a cool Semblance! Life is sooo easy, bwah wah wah!

"Present for Blake"

In Team RWBY's dorm, You and Blake are standing there, while Yang grunts with effort, as she pushes a present towards the two of you

You: What's this? Another cat toy or something?

Yang: I felt bad about the other day, so I got Blake a little something.

You: It better not be another one of those stereotyping, Yang. Well, I'll see you later, Kitty. Still have to fix the car.

And with that you left the dorm, but not before giving your girlfriend a quick kiss on the cheek, which left her red-faced.

Blake: You didn't have to do that, (Y/N).....

After you left, Blake goes over and tears off the wrapping paper to reveal the contents of the present: a tea set.

Blake: Yang, this is so sweet!

Blake begins to unpack the present, admiring the tea set.

Yang: I hope you like it! I'm not sure it matches your style or not.

Blake: It's perfect!

Yang: Hopefully it's big enough?

Blake: Yang, I love it.

Having finished taking out her gift, Blake looks to the box, and jumps in, much like a cat would, before poking her head out of the box.

Yang: Whew! Okay, I'm glad! I almost got you a ValePress, but then I remembered Weiss is more into coffee, and you're more into tea, so when I saw that tea set, I just knew I had to get it ... for you.

Yang trails off, having seen that Blake is more interested in the tea set's box. Blake slowly ducks back into the box, as Yang looks on, looking unamused by her partner's sudden change of personality.

You: I forgot to take my.........

You went back into the dorm because you forgot something, but you stopped right in your tracks as you saw Blake sitting on the box, like a cat would do.

You: Yang....? What did you do?

You turned as to where Yang is, but you only found her blinking outlines that was all that's left of her sudden departure.

You: Yang! You little son of a shark!


You: Are you guys sure about this?

Weiss: Absolutely!

Blake: Come on, (Y/N). It'll be fun! And delicious.

You: You're weirding me out, Blake. But fine. But if I get caught in flames. I'm blaming you three.

And with that, you went into your designated positions. As Yang plays a fighting game on her Scroll, Weiss edges in and pokes her with a stick. Yang looks to her in irritation, before going back to her game. It isn't long before Ruby edges in from her other side, and pokes her with another stick. Getting angry, Yang growls at her sister, before trying to focus on her game. Blake drops in from above, and gives Yang a third poke. But before you could even give her your poke, the last one was enough to send Yang over the edge, as her eyes turn red, and she is engulfed in flames, and unknowingly, you as well.


While Yang pants, still aflame, Ruby, Weiss and Blake have all surrounded her, and are using Yang as a makeshift campfire to roast marshmallows. After a while, they found out that a certain someone is not with them.

Ruby: Hey, where is (Y/N)?

Blake and Weiss: Huh?

The door to their dorm suddenly opens with a bang, and the four sees a panicked looking Jaune.

Jaune: I just (Y/N) running on the hallways. AND HE'S LITERALLY ON FIRE!!!

The group looks at each other in shock.

RWBY: Uh oh......



Blake: Stop-drop-and-roll! Stop-drop-and-roll! Stop-drop-and-roll!

Ruby: Oh crud......

Weiss: This is all your fault, Yang! If you hadn't been engulfed in flames none of this would've happened?

Yang: Wow, am I really the one to be blamed for this?! This would not have happened if you guys didn't keep poking me and used me for a makeshift campfire to roast your freaking marshmallows!

Somehow, you finally made it out of the school, and you were running around the courtyard as Team RWBY chases you to help you extinguish the flame that engulfed. Meanwhile in Ozpin's tower, he observes the commotion from his window as he takes a sip from his coffee. He was about to order Glynda to help the group, but when he heard the sound of an elevator closing, he knew it was her. With that problem solved, he turns back to the scene, and a small smile forms in his lips.

Ozpin: Kids these days are quite entertaining.
And there you have it guys! That pretty much concludes for today's episode of RWBY Chibi: Male Reader insert. Thank you so much for reading this. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause that would be greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories so I could improve myself as well.

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