"Can you read it out to me, baby?"

"As we walk this journey from beginning to end, I'm glad I get to marry my true love and my best friend," she reads out shakily and brings her hand out once again.

"Babe, your going to make me cry before the wedding," you chuckle over your fiancé's dramatic ways before grabbing her hand and rubbing gentle circles with your thumb while placing soft kisses on the back of it.

"I'm sorry, my love. Please don't cry. Not when I can't come in to kiss away your tears. I have to go now, okay? I'll see you out there, Ken. I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N. So much," you smile and squeeze her hand before getting up and heading into the church.


"Breathe, Y/N. God, breathe woman! You look like you're about to pass out!" Zayn whispers in your ear as you wait at the altar. You readjust your tie once again before Zayn slaps your arm.

"Stop that! You look fine, more than fine actually. Y/N, you look perfect. Everything is perfect, stop stressing, alright?" You sigh and nod.

"I know, I know. I just want everything to be perfect for her, you know? She's the love of my life, Zayn. She deserves utter perfection in itself. Although, she is the definition of perfection in my eyes."

"You're such a sap, it's revoltingly adorable," you both chuckle before he places a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"Thanks, Z. For being here with me. I'm honestly so grateful for you," and you were. I mean, without him, you wouldn't have even had the chance to meet Kendall.

You're lucky that you befriended the 16 year old 'Bradford Bad Boy' before he became an international superstar. I mean, you were his first real friend after all. His shyness and inability to converse confidently with others made you intrigued, you wanted to get to know the British boy with the amazing hair. And you're lucky that he still wanted to be friends with you throughout his whole adventure.

"I already told you not to make me cry, Y/N. We've been over this!" You both chuckle for a while.

"I'm serious though, Z. Thank you."

"Y/N, I should be thanking you, mate. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you," it was true. You convinced Zayn to follow his musical passions when he was too shy to.

"Well, I wouldn't be here either, if it weren't for you. So thank you."

"No problem, Y/N/N. Thank you too."

"It's always a pleasure, Mr Malik," you shoot him a small smile and stand in comfortable silence before the music starts.

You turn around to see the guests looking at the entrance of the church. The sight made you flatten out any invisible wrinkles on your suit and stand up straighter.

Penelope and North were the little flower girls for the occasion. Your heart nearly melted as they scattered small rose petals along the aisle, walking down in their cute matching pink dresses. Mason, the ring bearer, walked confidently behind his sister and cousin, trying not to drop the rings onto the floor. You smiled over his adorableness before he walked to the side. You catch him shooting a toothy grin at you just before your attention was brought to the bridesmaids. Cara, Hailey, Bella and Gigi looked absolutely wonderful in their matching pink dresses. They all shot you a smile before taking their place near the altar.

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