Hallucinations (AU)

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You don't exactly know when the hallucinations started. And you don't know when they'll end. But you do remember the pain. The agonising pain that you felt throughout your whole body. You were crying on the floor, curled up into a ball. You wanted it to stop, your eyes were hurting because of all of the flames and screams that only you could see.

Make it stop. Make it stop.

Someone found you. And they made it stop.

Kendall had found you, lying on your floor, feeling helpless and weak. You were shocked at first yet you were so incredibly happy. You don't know how you would've pulled through without her there, telling you that I was going to be fine, that everything would be fine.

"Baby, they'll help you," your girlfriend reassured you, stroking your hair as you cried into her chest.

"Kenny, they won't help. No one can help me. They're never going to stop," you yell in pain and hold onto her tighter as another scream flashes through your mind. It hurts, everything hurts, yet having her here with you numbed the pain.

She wouldn't stop bugging you about seeing someone. Anyone. A doctor, a psychiatrist or even a priest. She wanted you to get those horrible images out of your mind, but all you wanted to do was stay in the moment with her.

"I want to stay with you, Ken."

"Please, baby. Go get help, do it for me," she gave you a warm smile and you nodded. You could never say no to her.

At first, you weren't very keen on the idea. In fact, you hated it. You didn't like the hallucinations, you didn't like how they kept triggering them, making you scream out in pain. Kendall would watch over you. Giving you reassuring smiles here and there. You continued with the treatment and you're definitely sure that you would've never been able to get through this without her.

"I'm proud of you, baby," she kisses your temple before you started crying in her arms once again.

You hated how they constantly told you that you were sick. That you needed to be treated as if you were a hospital patient. Yet, you never felt sick. Not at all. You never felt sick when she was around you. She was your pain relief, your happiness, your reason that you were still alive. She was the love of your life and you knew that you were hers.

Every passing day that you had these hallucinations, they'd get increasing worse and worse. But Kendall kept with you through all of this. She knew how to calm you down and you were grateful that she was by your side. She kept reassuring you that you were just living through some childhood trauma and that they'd go away soon.

You hoped they would go away soon. You'd cry nearly every night and she'd be there to comfort you. Holding your hand and whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you drifted off to sleep in her arms. You don't think you've ever loved someone as much as you loved her. And you don't think you ever will.

She promised that once all of this was over, you two would go out to some nice far away island. No distractions and no hallucinations to keep you up at night. Just you and her. It sounded nice. You were excited. You were so excited that you couldn't even wait to go have a chat with your doctor. Kendall said that anyone with a full Ph.D could fix you up in no time.

"Good luck, baby. I'll be outside, okay? I'll be waiting for you," she said before placing a lingering kiss on your lips.

"I love you Kendall."

"And I love you, now go. He's waiting."

"I don't want to leave you, love."

"You won't be. I know you'll never leave me, baby," she smiles reassuringly and your heart flutters. She always manages to make your heart flutter. "I'm always going to be with you," you hear her whisper one last 'I love you' before you stepped into the white office. You hated the doctors. And you hated the hospital even more. It reminded you of death, of bad memories.

The doctor did some tests. You were waiting anxiously. Why were you anxious? You already knew what you had. You didn't want to hear the results. You didn't want them to tell you that you were going crazy. You didn't to want to get better. You just wanted her.

The results came in quickly. He'd told you that you had post-traumatic stress syndrome. That you were experiencing it due to the horrible car crash.

The horrible car crash that nearly took your life but instead took Kendall's.

He gave you some medication and told you to take them. You were hesitant at first but he insisted. You wanted to see Kendall first but he sternly told you to take them. And so you did.

The pain went away. No screams in your head, no blood on your fingertips, no fires anywhere. You stepped out of the office. The hallucinations were gone.

And so was she.

A/N: Sorry it was so short but I think if I'd made it longer I would've been dragging it out too much. I'll update this again soon though!

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