Ch.9 | Sewers and Fluffballs

Start from the beginning

"I'll wait for you both out here."

"Ok. Come on, Jano." The Servine followed his trainer toward the entrance. Upon entering, both human and pokémon covered their noses. "Ugh! It smells awful!"

"What did you expect?" Her friend waited patiently for her, standing with his arms crossed. "It sorta helps if you breathe through your mouth."

"I'm a nose breather..." Rosa groaned and parted her lips slightly to inhale. Like he had said, it kind of helped. Hugh gestured his head to a set of stairs before the duo, and Jano, walked deeper into the sewers.

For some reason, a couple of trainers were down here. Hugh mentioned she should get stronger, so the girl happily accepted every request. It made her smile knowing that Hugh got to watch her train this time. She couldn't help stealing glances at him with each battle; her heart would skip a beat when it looked like pride sparked in those red eyes of his.

After the battle, the trio continued their search for people in black Plasma outfits. For a moment, Rosa thought her and Hugh were actually traveling together. This made her bring up the question she planned to ask him since she got her starter. "I've been thinking..."

"Don't hurt yourself." She glared at him while he returned a smirk.

"Never mind!"

"Aw, come on." He offered an innocent smile, trying to meet her gaze since she had turned her head away. "Now I'm curious! What's on your mind?!"

With a sigh, Rosa decided to tell him anyway. "I was expecting us to go on a journey together, then you ran off before I could remember to ask." She nervously fiddled with a lock of her hair, looking up to find his eyes wide with what she could guess was surprise. "So, after this, w- would you like to... journey together?" She expected him to decline but remained hopeful anyway.

"Oh..." Was all Hugh could say as he thought about it more.

"I think it would be an amazing opportunity to catch up." The brunette added. "It's obvious we aren't as close as we used to be. What do ya say?"

"I mean... you have a good point there." He shifted his gaze to look ahead of him. Before he could give her an actual answer, his expression darkened. "Team Plasma!" Rosa followed his line of sight, and sure enough, two grunts were near an entrance to wherever. "We found you, you villains!"

The two men were clearly offended. "What?! Don't treat us like villains!" One of them spat. "And don't interfere with our plans to liberate pokémon!" Rosa nearly burst out laughing at that.

"Liberate?" Hugh snorted. "You're just ordinary pokémon thieves, and you use those stolen pokémon like they're tools!"

That pissed off the other grunt. "Shut up! Hand over your pokémon!"

Rosa protectively placed her hands over her bag. "Um, NO." The two grunts sent out a Sandile and Scraggy. This shouldn't be so hard. "Jano, you sit back for this one." The grass-type gave a nod before Rosa sent out Yomo to accompany Pignite.

She usually got nervous at the start of a battle, but seeing Team Plasma fueled her with the energy to take them down. The Flaaffy raised a paw and smiled at Pignite. "Baaa!" He blinked at her before looking away, suddenly shy, and earning a confused look from Yomo.

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