Chapter 6

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Abby's chauffeur came to pick us up after school. Janette was so amazed by the building, the models, the clothing everything!

"So I've just spoken to my aunt and she said we may only choose from collection at the ground floor." "Where is the ground floor?" "Follow mwah."

There are outfits in these 2 rooms and in that room, are the shoes and the other locked room, are the jewelry."

I was shocked. "Jewel room?"

 "Yeah, but she'll send someone to unlock it for us." "May we take anything?" Janette asked. "Yep!"

Both the rooms were filled with gorgeous expensive night gowns, made from the finest material. It was still unbelievable: I have best friends who would do anything for you and I am finally a nominee for prom queen, my life wasn't a mess after all.

Oh, I still got to tell my mom that I don't wanna wear her dress.

"Can you guys believe my mom wants me to wear her dress passed on by my ancestors in the 70s?"I said.

 Janette laughed. "Funny" "Which means you didn't tell her you're here with me."

"I did, I just didn't tell her I'm here to find a prom outfit. She gave me a pink horrible dress, I can't even fit in and the shoes don't match with the dress!"

"WOW, you're in for it girl. At least she even cares about what you're going to wear, I told my mom and she didn't even care." Janette sadly said.

 "We're so sorry."

Janette lives with her single mother who has been traumatised since her father had died 2 years ago in a car accident. It has been long but Janette says her mom acts like it happened yesterday.

"She silently talks to his pictures every night. I'm not even allowed to sleep next to her because she says my father still sleeps next to her. If I got over his death, why can't she?"

Janette wept.  Abby and I cuddled her.

"No more crying, take a dress, a pair of shoes, a pair of earrings and a necklace for your prom." Abby said cheering Janette up.

It was so difficult to find a dress and a pair of shoes―they were all gorgeous. After some time, we all picked a dress and shoes.

Guillermo, opened the jewel room. I chose simple earrings and a simple-studded silver necklace and so did Abby and Janette, except theirs were gold.

I asked Abby to keep my things until I sorted out the issue with my mom.


I was about to close my locker after taking some books out. Out of the blue, Sam approached me.

"H-I, M-Mila." He said. "Hey."   "May I ask you something?"  "Ok before you ask, I managed to finish the poster and in fact it . . ." Before I could continue, He took a deep breathe. "No, I-I didn't come to talk about the project. I came to-to ask you if you would go to the prom w-w-with m-me." he stuttered. 

I was so caught up in my outfit I didn't even realise the other important things for prom: a partner and a suitable car.

"Oh! I had totally forgotten about the partner thing. I'll think of it, not that I'm turning you off but I'm not yet settled. You get me right?" "Y-yes yes, I do." He said and disappointedly walked away.

I kinda felt sorry for him, he is nice and all but maybe he's just not for me.


So many days had passed without me realising that prom is in a weeks' time and I AM FINALLY GETTING MY BRACES OUT THIS AFTERNOON!

I am so happy that I am finally getting my braces out, after 3 long years. Just wish I could get rid of my spectacles too. In 4rth grade,  I was known as 'Ugly Betty' the second.

It's 1pm. My dentist appointment is at 2pm. I kept keeping track of time making sure we wouldn't be late, or they would postpone the appointment to the next month or next two months (always expect the worst) and I needed to get rid of them.

"It's 1 pm, I think we should get going." I impatiently said.

"Calm down, I'll go fetch my hand bag, wait for me outside." "Don't take long though." I said rushing down stairs.

I am still keeping track of time just in case it isn't 1.59 pm. Although I felt like mom was driving slowly, we arrived there earlier than I thought. I felt so relieved and happy—I'll be finally getting rid of these wires!

I was so nervous when the called me in. Laying on the bed reminded me of the first day I got braces.

The process was painless. The dentist gently broke the bond between my teeth and the brackets. Adhesive was left on the teeth to prevent damage to the tooth structure.

Finally all the brackets were removed! My gums were slightly inflamed, but the dentist said it would subside in a few days with good brushing and flossing.

I opened my teeth wide as I looked in the mirror. My teeth looked brilliant! And like they say: your teeth compliments your face. Just kidding, they don't say that. My face looked brighter as I smiled.

I was so excited to show everyone that I finally got my braces out. I couldn't wait for the weekend to be over, to brag a little at school.                              




so sorry for all the waiting though, so many tests are approaching!



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