Celebration To Decleration: A Problem In Namimori...

Start from the beginning

- Namimori -

The Vongola, Shimon and Cavallone are facing one huge problem.

Some idiot of an inventor tampered with the 10 Year Bazooka and their ancestors ended up in their time period.


Kyouya walked away and answered his phone...

"Hey Kyo... I'm checking up on you since I felt something amiss in Namimori, anything happened?"

"Yes, the1st Generation happened to appear among with Shimon and Cavallone's ancestors."

"Want Kei, Sei and I to accompany you or just me?"

"Just you since the two doesn't know much of mafia."

"I'll be there in a few, Ja ne"

"Ja Ne"

He walked back and stoned his expression... Alaude so happened to know his descendant's dislike towards the crowd.

"Herbivores" He growled and glared angrily at all of them...

The time travellers gulped seeing the procreated Alaude, he K.Oed Knuckles, G and Asari's descendants.

"Damn Alaude's demonic ruthlessness was passed down." Giotto whispered to Tsuna's ear...

"I heard that Primo/Herbivore..." The two skylarks growled at him and brought out their weapons.

"Kufufufu/Nufufufu Tempermental Skylarks..." The Pineapple and Mekon lords said while the Skylarks glared at them.

"Shut up Pineapple/Melon hybrid!" They retorted and an all out battle.........

- Yuki -

After trainning, Ryoma and I went home without anyone noticing us...

"Hey Ryo?" I called him and he hummed sipping his Ponta as did I.

"Want to go have a Brother and Sister bonding time at Saturday?" I asked and he smiled. "Sure Nee-chan" He replied then I ruffled his hair.

"Don't mess with my hair!" He said laughing a bit while I rolled my eyes. "Are you drinking milk or coffee?" I asked him while he glared playfully.

"I'm drinking milk so ursai!" He said and we arrived at our humble abode.

Taking a quick shower...

Changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, black heeled Armani boots, a tight black long-sleeved shirt with a white two strapped tank top underneath.

Fixing my greenish-black hair...

I added black eyeliner to make my hazel eyes pop out, I took the keys to my MV Agusta F4CC that has the color black.

"Mom I'm going to see Kyoya!" I shouted and she nodded. "Be careful sweetie!" She replied while I drove fast on the road.

I listened to the modified helmet playing music... Girl Next Door by Emblem3...

I was coming on up a shortcut but seeing as I also had a job by Nono, fun?

The job was eliminate the Yakuza, Vipers, they were spreading about an alliance with Nono, idiots.

Seeing the shortcut was full of them... They stopped me and whistled.

"Nice ride baby..." The head leader said while I rolled my eyes and took out my gun that has paralyzing bullets.

"Ursai" I said and he smirked sliding his hand on my leg. "Hey Boss! Can we have a turn?" The ugly thugs asked while I shot a subordinate at his right.

Kicking his balls. "Get Her!" He yelled while my Baby purred in anticipation.

I drove off and they took their SUVs and drove off chasing me...

I saw the Namimori Park, taking a detour... I slid effortlessly and shot their tires, then reloaded... Taking a few more rounds...

I shot the boss down...

The subordinates backed away...

"Nero!" I looked behind me and cursed. 'Cavallone and Shimon?... Damn the Vongolas are complete.' I thought and saw Reborn.

"Ciaossu~ I see Nono sent the assignment coincidently..." He said knowing I'm Echizen Riyukihime....

The ones with the right mind nodded at me. "Hi Nero!" Dino said happily and I looked at him nodding.

"I see that Vongola, Shimon and Cavallone's ancestors are in the wrong time period, was it the inventor's fault?" I asked refferring to Gianini...

"It is his fault..." Reborn replied...

"Are you an ally of Vongola?" The honeydrew Hibari look-a-like asked coldly while I pressed a button making my lips seen but not my face.

"Yes I am" I replied... The cold air entered my helmet. "Are you gonna take of the helmet?" Reborn asked while my Echizen smirk was form.

"Should I or not?" I asked myself while something familiar sparked in Alaude's memories.

Pressing a button from behind, my helmet became a clip and I looked at them.

"Sempai?!" The still naíve boys who forgot asked surprised. "Hey" I replied and Kyoya smirked back.

"For you people who doesn't know me, I'm Echizen Riyukihime" I bowed and smirked.

"Nero Cielo is a girl?" Dino asked while I crossed my arms. "See the proof..." I pointed at myself then the boss came back.

"There she is!" I laughed as he is holding his jewels...

"Want to help?" I asked Kyoya and he gave a bloodthirsty smirk and Mukuro laughed.

"I'm not loosing to Skylark" Basically it was a slaughter house...

I timed and kicked the leader's jewels and grabbed his back hair slamming it on the concerte...

"Thanks for the help Mukuro-kun, Kyoya-kun" I kissed their cheeks and called Nono...

The 10th Generation gapped seeing the two nodded but if you squint your eyes... You can see the miniscule blush.

"Nono... Mission accomplished" I said and he sent a few of men picking up the yakuzas.

I saw oddly similiar they are, the facial structures, attitudes...

"Seems like everything is okay?" I said and nudged Kyoya who gave an aggrivated sighed.

"Her.bi.vores" He growled releashing a very deadly miasmic aura that I twitched.

'I see little chibi demons looking like Kyoya...' I thought and sighed putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Kyoya just calm down" I told him and a limo appeared and out came......


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