Chapter 2- Nikki Cell

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As the guard had left the warden office and fully closed the door he looks at the keys he was given and sighed loudly. "I'm sorry Jay but there's nothing which can be done to stop this transfer." He said to himself out loud, he then put the keys into his trouser pocket and decided to contact Jay through walkie-talkie to find out where he was. "Jay where are you at the moment?" Asked the guard. Jay picked up his cup of coffee and took a sip from it before he picked up his walkie-talkie. "I'm at the mess hall right now, I'm just getting a cup of coffee for myself before I start my shift. What's up?" Asked Jay. "It's better if I tell you in person situation and what's going to happen to Luna." Said the guard. "Okay, then I will wait for you here." Said the guard before clipping it back onto his shirt pocket.

He then took two rights and three lefts before heading down one of the long passages ways to the mess hall while passing some guards and some prisoners on his way there. The guard saw Jay sitting by himself in the right-hand corner of the mess hall, the guard took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before he slowly approached Jay until he reached him. Jay couldn't see him as he had his back towards the guard but he could tell that the guard was behind him. "So what's going on with Luna?" Asked Jay. The guard pulled out the keys for the bus and placed them on the table next to Jay's cup of coffee. "What are these for?" Asked Jay. The guard sat opposite to him and placed his hat on the table. "The warden has told us to transport Luna, Nikki and Saphire to meet some Golden Gate guards which are eighty miles away and then they will take them to Golden Gate prison."

"Wait what? Golden Gate prison?" Said Jay. "I know, I was surprised that they wanted to send her there as well." Said the guard. "She didn't even go to court to explain her side of what happen." Said Jay annoyed. "I know... But the higher-ups say that she has caused way too many fights so they are sending her there with Nikki and Saphire as that place is stricter and they feel like they can stop them three from causing trouble." Said the guard. "Do you think... I could become a Golden Gate prison guard?" Asked Jay. "I know why you are asking this and your not going to like the answer which I'm going to give you. That's why I told you to end your relationship with Luna ages ago." Said the guard. "I don't care I love her!" Said Jay mad as hell, which made everyone in the mess hall stare at them both.

"Jay I know you're pissed off but just sit down as your causing a scene." Said the guard and as he did Jay notice the scene which he was causing so he decided to listen to the guard and he sat back down. Jay then used both hands to rub his face. "So are we going now?" Asked Jay while picking up the keys and putting them into his pocket. "Yes. I'll go to isolation to go and get Luna, while you go and get Nikki and Saphire." Said the guard. "Will do." Said Jay annoyed to hear that Luna was going sent to Golden Gate prison. After about fifteen minutes of walking, Jay had finally made it to Nikki cells where she had been. Jay open the slot first to Nikki cell to see what she was doing in her cell, and Nikki was laying on her bed with her eyes closed. Jay closed the slit on her door and opened the door, and step in carefully as Nikki likes to set traps in her cell. Even those Jay had entered Nikki cell quietly she felt the light from the outside so she opened her right eye and saw Jay being careful.

"Relax Jay. My traps have already set off by a guard which came in here an hour ago." Said Nikki with a smile on her face. "That's what you said last time and I nearly got stabbed." Said Jay still concerned for his safety. "Look. Why would I hurt you? The reason why you got stabbed last time was because you took my deck of cards." Said Nikki. "I didn't have a choice. I have to do my job." Said Jay. "What's more important? This job where you're holding your friends behind bars. Or your girl friend and Pain." "Isn't it obvious? My girl friend and Pain is more important." Said Jay. "I thought so. So what's up? You hardly come into my room unless it's important." Said Nikki before closing her right eye once more. "It is important. Your being moved to another prison with Saphire and Luna so get up." Said Jay annoyed while saying this Nikki. "Wait hold up? Which prison?" Asked Nikki. "Golden Gate prison, the higher ups think that sending you three there will stop you guys from causing trouble." Said Jay.

Nikki opened her eyes and sighed before putting both of her feet on the solid floor and standing up. "Interesting." She said before rasing both of her arms up so that Jay can put her hands in cuffs which confused him as Nikki doesn't normally like being put in cuffs. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and put me in the hand cuffs before I hurt you." Said Nikki. "Normally you hate being put in cuffs, so wh..." Before Jay could finish his sentence Nikki said "listen I don't like this place I never did. I didn't like the food, the people, my cell and the thing I hated the most was you." "What?" Jay said shocked to hear Nikki say that she hated him. "That's right I don't like you and I never will. I don't understand why the boss is still going out with you. Maybe her moving away from here will open her eyes and she will find some which she deserve." "Ouch, your hurting my feelings." Said Jay before putting her in the cuffs and escorting her out of her cell and in the direction of Saphire cell.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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