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tape 3, side B

"Peyton Millar, welcome to your tape. And before you start asking yourself what you did, you did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Honestly, you don't even deserve a tape. I just need to explain how you effected my life in order for me to explain all of these stories completely and efficiently. Continuing, you were such an admirable person. You got that all the time of course, but you're kind and down-to-earth and will try your best to make anyone and everyone feel loved and special. You truly succeeded. Everyone loved you so I didn't understand why you wasted your time trying to get to know me, but you did and I was grateful for it."

The blue-haired girl had walked straight through the doors of Liberty High, all smiles of course, ready to meet the newest addition to her class, Hannah Baker. The peaceful girl had been told about her by the guidance office, since Peyton is the one to usually help out with new students, and was excited to meet the sophomore.

"Hello Hannah. I am Peyton. Peyton Millar and I'll be helping you to your new classes, would you like to go check them out before first period?" Peyton had questioned the brunette enthusiastically.

"Sure," Hannah had responded to the blue-haired girl, sarcasm dripping from her tone, showing how badly she didn't want to be in the school building. Peyton had giggled lightly and said," Okay, follow me."

Throughout the short period of 7:15 am to 8:15 am Hannah and Peyton had gotten to learn more about each other. Peyton quickly realizing they'd be fast friends.

"At this point, I was already questioning why you were talking to me. You seemed like the purest ray of sunshine I'd ever come across of and we had only known each other for an hour. I was just so struck with admiration for you and your blue hair that I guess it seemed shocking that someone like you would ever speak to someone like me."

That day at lunch, when Peyton had seen the young brunette sitting there all alone, she had asked her best friend and boyfriend, Jeff, to join her with accompanying the new girl. He politely agreed and had followed his favorite person, Peyton, to the direction she had been talking about.

"Hey Hannah," Peyton had said when she arrived at the table. "This is Jeff, Jeff this is Hannah." Peyton introduced the pair to each other, hoping to help Hannah gain a third friend (besides her and Clay of course).

"Mind if we sit here?" The rosy cheeked girl questioned. "Not at all." Hannah replied with a small smile, happy someone was being genuinely kind.

"This is a small part of why I felt absolutely terrible about what I did to you- and what I did to Jeff, I couldn't bare knowing I could've prevented it."

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