Planning Revenge

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Anne POV

It kills me. After a minute of trying to wedge the spike out, Polver ripped it out of Ben's spine. He lost consciousness as soon as it was out. I could see the new spike almost grown back in. If they grew back this fast then Ben could be tortured indefinitely.

"Dad we are on a planted aircraft." Hal yells. As soon as he does he is knocked unconscious by Pope. He starts to chuckle, knowing he is going to taunt and tease us I turn the camera off.

I look back to Tom's face and notice it is frozen in fear. I do the only thing I can do. Hug him and try to reassure him. Maggie walks out of the room and slams the door on her way out. Weaver clears his throat and Tom and I turn to him.

"Someone get Maggie back in here, we need to make a plan." He says and immediately two soldiers run out. Tom looks at him and they nod to each other.

"Well at least we know where they are." Tom says to Weaver.

"Where would that be?" I question. The aircraft could fly, in my opinion they could be anywhere.

Weaver answered, "They are in the forest across the lake. They stole one of our aircrafts that only has limited gas. That is the closest spot the could have landed without running out of gas. We also know it's to the north because there is a huge clearing over there that would barely fit the airplane they stole."

Tom continued, "Also it's secluded meaning no people are probably living there." It made sense to me.

"Ok, so how are we going to get them. If it's secluded there is no people to blend in with, and they will probably hear us with no background noise." I say and Weaver looks to me then Tom.

All of a sudden the door slams open. Maggie walks in looking pissed. "I know how." She says.

We all look at her and she goes and stands next to Weaver. She crosses her arms trying to not show emotion. I can't imagine how she must feel. Hal is her boyfriend and Ben is like a little brother.

"Pope hates Tom and loves Anne. When Tom gave you up to save you Pope changed for the worse." She says smartly. I look at Tom and he gives no emotion.

"So," she continues, "Tom and Anne should go in, find out where they are hiding them and we blitzkrieg them at once."

"I agree." I say and I look at Tom. He looks unconvinced, and I know it's not because he is worried about himself. He's worried about his family, which includes me.

"Are you sure Anne, you really don't have to do this." Tom says still unsure.

"We need to get your boys back." I say and he nods. I think we have our plan. Now the problem is going to be executing it.

Okay so I have a ton of ideas of how I want this book to go! But if it's going to get that far please vote and comment if you enjoyed it. Also check out my other fanfictions.

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